Tensions are escalating and the war that has been brewing between the Sons of Redemption and the Phantom Furies is one strike of a match away from exploding.
As Darren and the brothers gear up to do battle to keep their families safe and save Redemption, they do their best to live an ordinary life and to celebrate the little things when they can.
They’ve tried for months to figure out where their rival club is located but keep coming up empty. While they continue to wait for a break, Darren and Tuck decide to get some much-needed payback for Kylie. They’ve waited patiently for months and allowed the man who had hurt her to think he’d gotten away with it.
Still riding the high of getting even, they stop at a gas station for fuel and snacks for Kylie. It’s then the PFMC makes a move that guarantees war by trying to take out Tuck. That one act is the final act that ensures the Sons will not rest until every Phantom is dead.
Things escalate quickly after that, and Darren is taken. He’s beaten and tortured, but he never once doubts that his brothers will come for him. Lying in his cell he worries that Kylie might not want him back if she ever finds out what he’s done. Can Darren, Kylie and Tuck’s relationship survive everything he’s been through? Can they forgive him?
For now, the only thing keeping him going is his thirst for revenge. He will not rest until he gets his justice.
Hell & Back is Book 5 in the Sons of Redemption MC series. You will also receive a Book Funnel email after purchase to help you download and install your eBook on the eReader of your choice. Scroll down to read an excerpt.
Chapter 1
“As much as I love seeing you in nothing but my cut, I’m gonna need that back babe.” Darren grabbed Kylie around the waist and pulled her into his body, her rounding belly bumping into his hard stomach. She was halfway through her pregnancy and finally starting to show. He playfully squeezed her ass in both his hands as he bent his head and dropped a quick kiss to her lips.
“Are you sure you need to leave right now?” Kylie gave him a seductive look from under her lashes and it hit him straight in the dick. He could already feel himself rallying for another round. There was definitely something to be said about pregnancy hormones. She was horny all the time, which worked out well considering she had to keep up with two men. In fact, he and Tuck had just given her enough orgasms that she should have passed out. Yet here she was taunting him into taking her back to their bed to give her more.
“Yeah, I’m sure babe. Believe me. If it wasn’t important, we wouldn’t be leaving you right now.” He pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. God, she was beautiful. Her glacial blue eyes held him captive whenever she turned them his way. From the first day he’d met her, he’d been gone for her, only he hadn’t known it at the time.
The first time he met her, she’d been sneaking through the clubhouse after leaving Tuck’s bed. She’d had her head down, rummaging through her purse when she walked right into him. If he hadn’t grabbed her by the upper arms to keep her from falling, she would have landed on her ass. She’d turned those gorgeous eyes up at him and his heart tripped in his chest. He apologized and asked where she was off to so quickly.
As it turned out, she needed a ride home because Tuck was passed out in his bed. It wasn’t until she was climbing off the back of his bike in front of her house that she’d tearfully confessed to him that she and Tuck had had sex, and he’d called her by another woman’s name. She’d thought that tonight meant he was finally seeing her as someone other than the computer geek he grew up next door to or ran to when the club needed her kind of expertise. She made him swear that he’d never say anything to Tuck about tonight. Either he remembered or he didn’t.
It was several weeks later when she ran into Tuck again at the clubhouse. That’s when she found out that he didn’t remember their night together and she’d been devastated. From what Darren understood, she and Tuck had known each other for years and from his observations of the two of them around each other, he’d known Kylie had deep feelings for Tuck. So, when she shot her gaze in his direction and shook her head just enough to convey, she didn’t want Darren saying anything, he’d bitten his tongue and choked down the retort his brother had coming.
For a while it looked as if she and Tuck had worked things out, though he still didn’t remember his night with Kylie. All too soon, everything was turned upside down when her house burned to the ground and Tornado Taylor moved herself into Tuck’s house leaving Kylie with nowhere to go. Darren had offered his spare room and during her time living with him, he’d grown close to her. So close, it didn’t dawn on him how big a piece of his heart she’d taken up until she discovered she was pregnant by Tuck.
After a lot of misconceptions were cleared between the two and Tuck was able to extricate Taylor from his life, Kylie and Tuck got together like they were meant to be. Things could have gotten complicated what with Darren realizing he was in love with his brother’s woman and the fact that she was carrying the other man’s baby. It turned out Tuck wasn’t as blind to Darren’s feelings toward his woman as he thought. In fact, the two of them had brought Darren into their relationship and he couldn’t be happier.
Kylie removed the cut and handed it over to Darren. Once he had it settled in place across his back, she used the tip of her finger to trace the patch that declared his road name as Edge. “I’ve never asked you. What does Edge mean?”
“You’d think it would mean something like Razor’s Edge or Riding the Edge since he’s so badass, but, no, it means he talks so damn much you can’t get a word in edgewise,” Tuck laughed and slapped Kylie’s naked ass playfully as he walked by.
Darren frowned and squinted his eyes at his best friend and club brother.
“Seriously? You talked so much they gave you that name?” Kylie grinned up at him as she slipped her arms beneath his cut and wrapped them around his waist, pushing her tits into his upper stomach.
“No. They were poking fun at me because I hardly ever talked.”
“Really? You’ve always talked to me.” Kylie frowned.
“You’re the only one other than me that he ever strung more than a few words together for except when it was important. Just to shoot the shit? No.” Tuck came up behind Kylie and kissed the side of her neck. “Since you, he’s talked more to everyone than during the whole time he’s been with the Sons.”
“Really?” Kylie smiled and tipped her head to the side, enjoying the feel of Tuck’s mouth against her skin. Darren watched with fascination as goose bumps popped up along her arm. One side of his mouth kicked up as her nipples grew even harder against his chest.
“Yes. Really.” Darren touched his lips to hers. “I’ve always been helpless around you.”
“You say the sweetest things, Edge.”
Tuck’s phone started ringing. He fished it out of his pocket and took a step away to take the call. While he was speaking with whoever was at the other end of the line, Darren took the opportunity to tangle one hand in her hair at the back of her head and pull her tighter against him with his other at her lower back. There was no way she didn’t feel how hard his cock was right now. He leaned down and kissed her so thoroughly that there was no mistaking his plans for her when he and Tuck got back from what they needed to do.
He pulled back and kissed her forehead before asking Tuck, “Time to go?”
“Yeah. We gotta head out baby.” He pulled her into his arms and kissed her long and deep. “I like this walking around naked thing you got going on. It makes it so much easier to get to the good stuff.” He emphasized this by stroking her clit a time or two before he reluctantly let her go. “Love you, Kylie Jo. Be back in a little while.”
“Love you too. I might be asleep by the time you get home.” Kylie covered a yawn with her hand. That was another thing about being pregnant. She required a lot more sleep. So, basically her life consisted of sleeping, eating and being fucked until she fell asleep.
Darren pulled her back to him and kissed her one more time. “Love you, Kylie. Set the alarm after we leave.”
Ever the smartass, she saluted him. “Aye, aye boss.”
He slapped her ass in reply. Not hard, but enough to give it a little sting like she liked.
She followed them to the front door, nabbing a throw off the back of the recliner on her way. “Promises. Promises.”
A smile split his face as he stepped through the door, pulling it shut behind them. He waited outside the door until he heard her engage the alarm, then felt comfortable enough to leave. He’d shot a text off to Race earlier telling him about his and Tuck’s plans tonight and asked that he keep an eye on her while they were gone. Considering they were neighbors it shouldn’t be that difficult.
He swung his leg over his bike and started it up. They pulled out of the driveway side-by-side, each lost in their thoughts regarding where they were headed and what they planned to do.
Tonight was the night Darren and Tuck would get their revenge against that fucker Kitowski for roughing up Kylie when he and his questionable crew raided the Sons of Redemption clubhouse under the direction of the late Chief of Police David Whitener. Tuck hadn’t been there at the time it happened because he’d been dealing with Tornado Taylor, but Darren had been, and he remembered every single second of it.
He remembered a group of men dressed in black tactical gear from head-to-toe barging in and ordering everyone out to the parking lot, pushing them roughly to their knees. His hands were being zip tied behind his back when Kylie was escorted outside to join them. The prick jerking her around by her arm wasn’t any gentler with her than they had been with the brothers. The man shoved her to her knees on the gravel strewn asphalt next to Darren. She flinched, but didn’t cry out when the gravel bit into her knees.
She tried to adjust her position, presumably looking for someplace to set her knee that didn’t have a rock on it but was roughly shoved to her stomach without warning. With his hands restrained behind his back, he had no choice but to helplessly watch and thank his lucky stars that she was able to throw her hands out to catch herself before her face hit the pavement. Before he could be grateful for that small favor, Kitowski pinned her to the ground with his booted foot to her neck, making her face grind into the rough surface. Another officer called him out on his rough behavior and helped her back to her knees. Not liking being called out by a fellow officer in front of a group of bikers, Kitowski cranked her arm behind her back hard enough that Darren couldn’t believe the asshole hadn’t broken it. As he applied a zip tie, Darren clenched his jaws tight, vowing to get even for Kylie. Come hell or high water, the man was going to pay.
Darren had never forgotten about the dirty or the other man who’d gotten overly handsy with Kylie during the pat down. Despite all the shit the club had been going through with Chet and the Phantom Furies MC, he’d watched and planned. He’d patiently bided his time and kept an eye on him, learning his routines regarding work and after hour fun. He’d discovered Kitowski had a thing for red heads, which worked out well since they had a sweet butt named Lynette at the clubhouse that was all in to help him, and Tuck get their revenge.
He’d sent her into Kitowski’s favorite bar, and she “happened” to run into him. Lynette was a sweet woman who liked to hang with the brothers, have a good time and welcomed the protection the club offered to those pulled into their circle. She’d gone home with him that night and they’d fucked. Before she left, he’d made plans to see her again the next night.
Tuck’s earlier phone call, the one leading them to Kitowski’s, was from Lynette. She was letting them know the drug she’d given him at Darren’s instruction had kicked in and to tell them the video camera was up and running.
“Waited a long time for this brother.” Tuck announced after they’d climbed off their bikes in Kitowski’s driveway.
“Yeah. I know. Not a day went by that I didn’t think about how to get even with the fucker.” Darren led the way to the front door, finding Lynette had left it unlocked as he’d asked. “Show time.”
He reached for the doorknob when the sound of Tuck’s chuckle behind him drew his attention. “What is it?”
Tuck waved his phone and said, “Lynette sent us some pictures and a couple of videos.”
The plan had been for Lynette to get Kitowski good and doped up then take some incriminating pictures of the two of them that he wouldn’t want leaked out to the general public. It was her idea to suggest that her friend, Justin, come along for the ride. As it turned out the man was bi and thought it would be a lot of fun to teach Kitowski a lesson after hearing what he’d done to Kylie.
Darren opened the front door and, thanks to Lynette’s directions, went straight for the master bedroom. He pushed the door open and couldn’t help but smirk at the scene before him. Kitowski was passed out in the middle of his bed, sprawled out and lying on his stomach. The funniest thing was what was between his ass cheeks. Either Lynette or Justin had inserted a butt plug that was topped with a fox’s tail.
Tuck stood next to him, laughing. “Geez. It almost looks like a fox crawled into his ass.” He pulled out his phone and got a picture of it to add to the others she had already sent them to use as blackmail. She’d told Tuck the really good stuff was in the video.
Lynette greeted the two of them with a big smile as they entered the room. She was getting dressed, while Justin was sitting at the end of the bed pulling on his shoes. “Hey guys.” She pulled her hair on top of her head in a messy bun and grabbed the duffel bag she’d brought with her. She must have carried sex toys, lube and who knew what else in it for the night’s festivities.
“Everything go, okay? Kitowski give you any problems?” Tuck asked.
“No. No problems. Easy peasy,” she declared.
“Thanks, Lynette.” Darren stepped out of the doorway and gave her arm a gentle squeeze as she stepped into the hallway. “We appreciate your help with this. And Justin,” he turned to the man pulling on his shirt. “Thanks for having Lynette’s back.”
“Having Lynnie’s back is never a problem.” The smile he shot the woman made Darren wonder if the guy had feelings for her that went beyond friendship.
“Well thanks all the same. Swing by the clubhouse sometime on a Friday or Saturday night.”
Justin accepted his handshake. “Sounds good.”
“You guys can take off now. We’ve got it from here.” Tuck hugged Lynette and shook Justin’s hand.
Justin stopped and turned in the doorway and grinned. “Believe it or not, the man gives good head, and I especially enjoyed taking his virgin ass. As you’ll see in the video, he got off on it.” With that, he took Lynette’s hand in his before taking off down the hall.
Tuck grabbed the video camera from the dresser and rewound it back a little. “Ohhh! Justin does not lie. Kitowski really enjoyed getting his ass fucked.” He turned the camera so Darren could watch as Kitowski, on his knees, buried his face between Lynette’s thighs and Justin hammered his ass from behind. The man was moaning and groaning and begging for more when suddenly, he shot his cum all over the bed sheets beneath him.
“Time to wake the bastard up.” Darren moved to the middle of the bed, put his knee to the edge, careful not to kneel in any wet spots and tapped Kitwoski’s face hard. After the second time, Kitowski began to stir.
With a bleary-eyed slow blink, he finally focused on Darren. “What the fuck are you doing in my house?” His voice sounded like he’d swallowed glass. It was gravelly and cracked as he spoke. He must have done a whole lot of screaming during sex. Darren wondered how much the man remembered of the night’s events. Kitowski turned his head this way and that, probably searching for Lynette and Justin. Not finding them, his head dropped back onto his pillow.
“We’re here to get our payback.” Darren replied.
“Payback for what?” Kitoski’s eyes started to drift shut again.
Darren smacked him on the back of his head to get his attention and to make him focus. “For fucking with the Sons for one thing and for hurting our woman for another. Our friend Lynette was kind enough to send us some of the highlights from tonight.” He pulled up a video on his phone and turned it around for Kitowski to see. The man’s eyes went round, and his face paled as he watched himself sucking off another man, while the other man was saying, “Yeah, that’s right. I’m coming, so take it all bitch.”
Kitowski swallowed hard, looking a little green around the gills. He rolled to his side and started to sit up when he shouted, “What the fuck is wrong with my ass?!” He turned his head to get a better look and screamed in horror. He shot out of the bed and bolted toward the master bathroom.
Darren and Tuck enjoyed a big laugh as they listened to Kitowski ranting and raving as he tried to figure out how to remove the foreign object from his ass. A loud shout from the bathroom stated to them that he’d figured it out but not without a lot of pain. He stumbled back into the bedroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. “Which one of you fuckers shoved a butt plug in my ass?” he grated through clenched teeth.
“Oh, it wasn’t either of us. And that plug wasn’t the only thing you’ve had in your ass tonight.” Tuck turned the video camera around to show him the video of Justin plowing him from behind and how Kitowski had been begging him to fuck him harder right before he came huge from the experience. The man who had terrorized and physically hurt Kylie looked from the video, to them, and back. His face had started to get a little color back but went completely white again as he spun and ran for the bathroom again. This time they could hear him throwing up.
Darren leaned against the wall near the door to the hall and Tuck took a seat on the dresser waiting for Kitowski to come back out. This time when he returned, he’d found a pair of sweatpants somewhere in his bathroom and pulled them on.
“I don’t know why you’re so upset. You looked like you got off and enjoyed the hell out of it.” Tuck taunted. “I mean, you were begging him to fuck you harder and honestly,” he tipped his head to the side and scratched his stubbled chin. “You were lucky a guy as good looking as him even fucked you.”
Kitowski wasn’t stupid. He knew his life was fucked as long as they had the video. “What do you guys want?” His hands were on his hips and his head hung low, looking completely defeated.
“You had to have known that fucking with our woman would earn you payback.” Darren waited until his head came up before he continued. “We thought long and hard about how to best get our revenge. Then it came to us. We would get you fucked up and have two of our friends, under our protection, to literally fuck you. We could have come here and beat the ever-loving shit out of you, maybe maimed you for life, but that would only feed the need for you to retaliate. And it would go on and on and on. You getting even with us and us having to return the favor.”
Darren pushed off from the wall and moved closer. “Now, the way I see it. As long as you stay as far away from the Sons and any and all people under our umbrella of protection, you’ll continue to breathe. You will especially run the opposite way if you ever see our woman on the street. If you keep your mouth shut and consider us even, we won’t send out this video to the entire sheriff’s department or upload it for the whole world to see.”
The muscle in Kitowski’s jaw started to tick until Darren told him the video would be sent out far and wide.
Darren stepped closer until they were toe to toe. “Once the thought of what you’ve just done sinks in and the possibility of that video getting out isn’t enough of a deterrent to keep you from trying to retaliate, maybe the thought of your dick being cut off and put in a pickle jar will be.”
Kitowski swallowed hard at the feel of Darren’s sharp blade pressing into his dick.
“We good? We even for what you did to the Sons and our woman?” Darren asked.
Kitowski nodded rapidly. “Yes,” he choked.
“Yes, what?” Darren pushed.
“Yes. We’re good. We’re even,” he stuttered nervously.
“That’s what I wanted to hear.” Darren tapped his cheek roughly and stepped back. Done with what he set out to do, it was time to leave. Time to get back to Kylie. “You might even consider leaving Redemption,” he tossed over his shoulder and exited the room.
Tuck hopped off the dresser and waggled the video camera at him. “We’ll send you a copy.”
Darren smiled to himself at the sound of Kitowski’s strangled cry as he walked down the hall and out the front door.
Sure, ending the man’s life would have been the quickest, easiest, most satisfying way to ensure he never came at Kylie or the club again, but Kitowski being a deputy complicated things. If he up and disappeared, there would be an investigation of anyone and everyone that had a gripe with him. Darren was sure the list would be a long one, but he couldn’t take the chance that it would inevitably point toward them. The last thing they needed was a battle on two fronts: the sheriff’s department and the Phantom Furies MC.
Tuck was laughing as he stowed the camera in his saddle bag and straddled his bike. “Think he’ll be questioning his sexuality after coming so hard with a guy’s dick in his ass?”
Darren chuckled, happy to have finally checked Kitowski off his to-do list. “Yeah. I have no doubt.”
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