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Surviving Mayhem
His to Lose
Book 3
His to Lose

What did she do to him?

Some people say Ruger is an unapologetic player, a user of women. They say it like it’s a bad thing. He could care less. He was the enforcer for the Hell’s Minions MC. He liked to ride, drink and sex it up with any woman willing to put out. It wasn’t his fault that women threw themselves at him. If they were offering and easy on the eyes, who was he to tell them no. He didn’t set out to break hearts, but it had happened a time or two. He never promised any of them forever. Hell, half the time he didn’t even promise a whole night. He did promise that they would have a good time.

Lately, though, he found himself wondering what it would feel like to wake up with the same woman in his bed every morning. It seems to be working for his friends Blue and Gray but the women they found are not your average women. They were the kind that were few and far between. If it wasn’t for that night with Josie, he wouldn’t be thinking such crazy things and it pissed him off. He liked his life just fine. Or he thought he did. Why did she have to make him question it?

What was she thinking?

Josie was happy with her life, if not completely satisfied. She loved her job as a bartender, loved her college classes, except for one, and was close to graduating. She was counting the days. She’d worked so hard to earn her degree that she’d sacrificed her personal life. Specifically, in the romance department. She couldn’t even remember the last good date she’d been on or the last time she’d had sex.

Speaking of sex…she spots one of the brothers from the Hell’s Minions MC come into her bar. Ruger. The one starring in all her naughty fantasies. She often entertained the idea of giving in to his charms while she was doing a favor for the club but seeing the way he went through women kept her from going there.

She knows she’s nothing more than a challenge to him. She’s the one that turned him down. His ego can’t allow that, so he’s been hanging around, wanting to do things as “friends”. One night during a game of Truth or Dare and a bottle of whisky, she thinks, what the heck? What could it hurt to take Ruger up on his offer of one night of down and dirty sex to escape the mess her life has become? She knows in the morning when she’s sober and thinking clearly, she’ll look back on this moment with regret. And, boy, does she regret it?

Ruger knows he should be happy. He got what he wanted. He got his one night with Josie and it was time to move on. He has no doubts that with little effort he could have her and the life he never knew he wanted. It’s all there for the taking. But before he can figure out what it is that he want’s, another swoops in and tries to take her away. That’s when he realizes she’s His to Lose.

  • violence
  • kidnapping
  • sex

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His to Lose eBook


Hell’s Minions MC ebook Bundle





Chapter 1


Ruger pulled open the heavy wooden door of the Corner Pocket and was immediately assaulted by the sounds of a kick-ass band, the raised voices of the packed crowd and the smell of beer. Ahh. Just like being home. Home being the Hell’s Minions MC clubhouse where the women were easy, the beer flowed freely and there was always the welcome camaraderie of his brothers. Man, he loved the life of a Hell’s Minion.

Although the Hell’s Minions owned a strip club and a bar downtown, he loved coming to this bar. He loved the dimmed lights and the live bands. He loved the dark, scarred tables and he even liked the burn marks that dotted the surface from when people were still allowed to smoke in public buildings. Thank you, city council. The whole atmosphere just worked for him.

Don’t get him wrong, he still loved the Minions strip club, Dark Desires, and their new bar downtown, 214. The clientele at Dark Desires was what one would expect, ranging from bank presidents to trash collectors and everything in between. 214’s clientele was more 20- and 30-somethings, middle class and hard-working. It was the kind of bar a guy would take his woman to in order to impress her and show her a good time.

Despite everyone knowing that the Hell’s Minions owned 214, it didn’t keep them from coming. That was due in part to the ladies who came looking for cheap drinks and someplace to cut loose and dance. And as it was with all things, where the women were, the men would follow.

He settled his hand on Candy’s bare lower back, moving her inside ahead of him. She didn’t make it far before she came to a stop about five feet into the bar. The throng of people was making it difficult for her to move forward. He stepped in front of her and scanned the crowd until he found who he was looking for. He took Candy by the hand, leading her to where he’d spotted Shooter and Trojan, occupying a table toward the back, against the wall, amongst the shadows. From the number of empty bottles littering the table, they had a pretty good head start. Ruger gave a chin lift to both men, and a brow lift in the direction of the woman sitting on Trojan’s lap, wondering who she was and where Trojan found her. He pulled a chair out and took a seat while Shooter, ever the gentleman, not, smiled and pulled out the chair next to him, offering Candy a seat between the two of them. His friend gave Candy the once over, a spark of interest written all over his face.

Because the bastard was easy on the eyes, or so Ruger had been told, and the Hell’s Minions cut they all wore, women were never in short supply. So, not seeing a woman already hanging on Shooter’s arm was a little surprising. Oh well, didn’t matter. Ruger was willing to share. He was about to ask Shooter about the woman with Trojan when she took his face in her hands and kissed him like she was trying to suck his lungs out through his mouth. Whoa.

Shooter laughed at Ruger’s surprise and flagged down a waitress, ordering a round for everyone at the table. He was generous that way. He was also generous with his women. But so was Ruger. The two of them had been sharing women and having threesomes for as long as he could remember. He smiled, seeing Shooter’s hand disappear under Candy’s extremely short skirt at the same time he bent his head to kiss her. Looked like they’d be sharing the sweet butt at some point this evening. The thought already had his dick perking up.

“Thanks, darlin’,” Ruger greeted the waitress. He gave her a wink and a smile that had proved to be very effective in the past with the ladies, before he took the beer she was offering and tipped it back. He watched her disappear into the crowd, liking the way her snug jeans fit her long, lean legs. Wonder if she would be up for a threesome?

Turning back around, his attention swung to Shooter. “How long’s this been going on?” He tipped his head toward Trojan and the woman.

“For the last forty minutes,” Shooter chuckled over the top of his beer.

Ruger’s brows shot to his hairline. Trojan never carried on like that in public. He was usually closed off and aloof in public, never causing a scene, happy to fade into the background and observe. At the clubhouse, though, he fucked like the rest of them—when he wanted, who he wanted and how he wanted. Like a true Minion. What he was like before the Minions, he had no clue. Trojan didn’t even have a clue. All the man remembered was waking up in a hospital four years ago with no memory of his life before then. To the hospital he was just another John Doe.

Once he’d found the club, he became Levi Williams, aka Trojan. They settled on Trojan because his skills with a computer were mind-boggling and a little scary. He could get in and out of anywhere on a computer and never get caught. He could even leave little surprises behind if he wanted, like a Trojan horse.

“Be back,” Trojan announced, his voice gruff. He settled the woman on her feet, grabbed her hand and headed down the back hall. He was more than likely on his way out to the back parking lot.

Shooter pulled his arm from the back of Candy’s chair. “Can you go to the bar and get us some pretzels?” He wasn’t really asking. He was telling her to get gone for a few minutes so he could talk to Ruger without an audience.

“Sure. Be back in a minute.” She flounced off, a sexy sway to her hips.

“He dreaming again?” Ruger asked after Candy was clear of the table.

“Yeah. He’s been wired all day. Started pounding them back about an hour ago. Latched on to that woman as she was walking by.”

Ruger didn’t like the sound of that. Trojan only ever got wasted when he had the same reoccurring dream of a red-haired woman with big green eyes and wearing a blue sundress. He thought it could be someone from his past but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t figure it out. The harder he tried to remember, the worse his headaches would be. The dreams always led to hard drinking and hard fucking. Pulling some woman out to the parking lot to fuck was new. Ruger was worried for his friend but had no idea how to help him get his memories back or if was even a good idea to get them back at all.

Twenty minutes later, Trojan and the woman reappeared. Uh oh. By the huge smile and dreamy-eyed look on her face, Ruger knew there was going to be trouble. Trojan had given her a great orgasm or two and now the lady thought she was going to get a relationship out of it. Yeah, that had disaster written all over it. Even after getting off, his friend’s tension didn’t appear to have eased a whole lot. The tight set of his shoulders and the muscle ticking in his jaw told Ruger his headache wasn’t easing at all. He couldn’t understand how the other man could stand to be in a noisy, crowded bar. He had to feel like hell.

He was about to ask Trojan how he was doing, but Candy squealing in his ear stopped that. Fuck. He was pretty sure the pitch made his eyes cross for a second and he wasn’t sure if he’d ever hear out of that ear again. The song the band started playing had her bouncing in her seat. It was one of her favorites. He’d seen her get excited more than once when it was played at the clubhouse.

In her excitement at hearing it now, she grabbed the other woman by the hand and drug her out to the dance floor. Ruger tilted his head to the side and watched her walk away, enjoying the view as she disappeared and reappeared in the crowd. Her denim skirt was just long enough to cover her ass and her black, high-heeled shoes accentuated her slim, long legs. The way her hips swung from side to side had him hypnotized. Damn. Her red halter top didn’t have much more material to it than a large bandana, allowing him a glimpse of the cutest tattoo of Betty Boop on her bare right shoulder blade. He bit his lip and had to adjust himself under the table. He was definitely going to have to tap that before he left. He’d never make it back to the clubhouse without some relief for his dick before the ride home.

Shaking himself out of the trance Candy’s moves put him under, his focus turned back to Trojan. “You okay, man?”

Trojan’s smile was forced and didn’t reach his eyes. “Never better. All’s good.”

Ruger didn’t believe him but what could he do? Pin him to the ground and poke him in the chest until he cried Uncle and told them what was going on with him? He chuckled inside at the image. That would be funnier than hell.

The men settled back and watched the women dance out on the floor. They weren’t just checking out Candy and Trojan’s lay either. There were a lot of hot chicks out there shaking their asses. There were a few he thought he recognized so it might be best if he avoided them just in case things didn’t end well with one of them. He scanned the crowd, searching for a waitress. He couldn’t see one anywhere close, they were all on the other side of the room. He spun around in his chair thinking maybe there might be one at the bar. Nope. Wait a second. He thought he caught a glimpse of someone he knew working behind the bar.

“Umph.” Candy plopped into his lap without warning, bringing his attention back to her. Breathless and laughing, she picked up several bottles of beer and found them all empty. Her full lips formed a sweet little pout. “Sorry, sugar. Got thirsty watching you shake your ass. I’ll go get some more.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned in for a thank you kiss. He smiled and smacked her ass. “Hop up. I’ll go get some drinks.”

Candy slipped off his lap and quickly found herself sitting in Shooter’s. Ruger exchanged a look with him knowing they were on the same page. They needed to fuck her soon. He walked away with the knowledge that Shooter would get her good and ready by the time he made it back to their table. Then they’d find somewhere with enough privacy that they wouldn’t get kicked out by the owner.

It took a few minutes but he finally made it to the bar. He was happy to see that the bartender he thought he recognized earlier was a friend to him and to the club. She was working her way down the bar, smiling and chatting to customers as she went. She was as beautiful as he remembered, her strawberry blonde hair piled on top of her head in a messy bun, little wispy strands falling down around her face. The top three buttons of her shirt were undone, showing a peek of cleavage. When she turned around to grab a bottle from the shelf behind her, he groaned at the sight of her shapely ass cupped perfectly in her snug jeans. He jerked his eyes up in time to see her bright blue eyes crinkling at the corners as she smiled at him. “Hey, pretty lady. Long time no see.”




Josie would be lying if she said she wasn’t happy to see Ruger. Of all the Minions, he was her favorite. There was just something about him that drew people in. He was funny, friendly and sexy as hell. She didn’t think she’d ever seen him not smiling and not having a good time. But there was something more that pulled her in and she couldn’t put a label on it no matter how hard she tried.

She knew not to ever be taken in by his flirtatious attention. The man was the world’s biggest slut, spreading his “attention” far and wide. He had a habit of nailing just about anything and more often than not, he’d do it with Shooter. It was hard to fault him, though. Seriously, the man was hot as hell. He had shaggy, dark brown hair that she’d wanted to run her fingers through on more than one occasion just to see if it was as silky as it looked. His caramel-colored eyes were fringed with lashes so long and dark it made her envious. He was long and lean, not skinny, but lacking zero body fat and had both arms covered in tats. The thing that was most appealing about Ruger, though, was his warm, husky voice. The same voice he was using right now to call her pretty lady. It irritated her how the sound of his voice felt like a lover’s caress, knowing he called every woman pretty lady. She believed he did that because he couldn’t remember the woman’s name or had no desire to try to learn it.

She knew he was a player so she really had no excuse to let it bother her that he lumped her in the same group as his many other acquaintances. He was what he was and no woman would ever change that. Oh, but the thought of trying was appealing. “Ruger. What can I get you?”

“What? No pleasantries before you get down to business?” He folded his arms and leaned on the bar, trying to get closer so he didn’t have to talk as loud.

She bet the man was able to charm the panties off a nun with that smile. God knows, it would work on her. “Sorry. It’s been crazy in here tonight. Still is actually.” She cast a glance around the room and didn’t see it slowing down any time soon. Whenever they had a live band playing the crowds were always at capacity. Conner’s door man had probably already started turning people away by now.

“I’ll take five drafts.” He watched her pull out a mug covered in ice and begin filling it up. “How’s school?”

She studied him, her brows furrowing, wondering what he was up to. She’d never talked about school with him before. “Um. Fine I guess.” She set the first frosty glass down on a tray and started on the next one. She’d been going to college when Trojan came to her and asked if she would pose as a love interest for Gray Landry at the Hell’s Minions clubhouse. She wasn’t crazy about the idea but when he reassured her she didn’t have to have sex with Gray or anyone else, she decided to hear him out. They would pay her to pretend to be into Gray which would allow her to quit her job stripping and concentrate on her studies. Yeah. She took her clothes off for money. The hours were good and the money was even better. She wasn’t proud of the fact that she’d been a stripper for a brief time but a girl had to do what a girl had to do when she was swimming in debt. Not only her own, but her deceased mother’s, too.

After her little stint helping Gray Landry, she’d been able to pay off her mother’s medical and funeral expenses and could now work a job that didn’t entail strutting her half naked body around a stage with a multitude of drunk, horny men watching. She was lucky to get this bartending job and she would be forever grateful for it. She’d become best friends with the owner and his boyfriend. They were like family to her now and she’d be lost without them.

“One of your classes really hard?” He picked up the first glass she set down and took a drink, watching her over the rim of the glass.

“I didn’t think it was hard but the grades the professor are giving me sure make it seem that way.” He gave lower grades than she deserved and she was pretty sure she knew why.

“Your professor a dick?”

“He’s something all right,” she mumbled and set the next glass on the tray. “You know you’re going to have to carry the tray back to your table, right?”

“Um, okay?” He looked at her like she was nuts.

“All of our waitresses are busy and one called out sick. We’re short staffed.” She laughed at the expression on his face. She would have thought she’d asked him to wash dishes or something. “How’s Gray these days? He and Kendal get to work things out?”

Ruger’s smile was genuine when he told her about how they were back together and very happy. “They just had a baby girl not long ago. Molly Grace.” He pulled out his cellphone and scrolled through it until he found a picture of Gray, Kendal and the baby.

“Aww. She’s so cute. She looks a lot like Kendal.” Josie leaned back and went to pour the next beer. She couldn’t help but chuckle at the thought that Ruger was carrying around baby pictures on his phone. She would’ve never pegged him as sentimental. “Can’t believe big bad Gray Landry is a father, and to a girl, no less.”

“I know. Crazy, right? Poor thing will never get to date.” He must have seen the confusion written all over her face. “Think about it. Gray is a Hell’s Minion whether he’s physically with us or not, and an ex-Ranger on top of that. He’s surrounded by his friends, who are also ex-Rangers, one of which who is now a Sheriff’s Deputy and another a former SEAL. If that weren’t enough, she has two uncles and an entire motorcycle club who wouldn’t hesitate to step in.”

Josie shivered. “Oh, God. Poor thing. She’s doomed.” One thing she knew from being around the Minions was that they were crazy protective of anyone they counted as their own. She tried to picture little Molly Grace trying to bring home a boy for the first time to meet her parents. Yikes!

“Did you know Blue’s getting hitched to a woman named Ridley?” Ruger took another drink, this time from a different mug. She wasn’t sure if he was doing it on purpose or if he forgot which one was his. Either way, she didn’t think it would matter. The Minions tended to share many things.

“No way!” She thought her eyes must be bugging out of her head. The last time she’d seen Blue, he’d been every bit a player as the rest of them.

“Yeah. She’s great. She’s a nurse practitioner and she’s best friends with Kendal.” He pulled his phone back out and scrolled down until he found a picture of Blue and Ridley together, turning it to show Josie.

“They look so happy together.” She sent him a sideways look, biting her lip and trying not to laugh. “I can’t believe it. Two Landry’s down. Wonder who’s next?” She waggled her brows up and down, smiling mischievously. “Think it’ll be Slate or,” she drug out the last, “maybe the mighty Ruger will fall?”

Ruger’s head jerked back, scowling at her. He looked pissed that she would suggest something like that. “Now that’s just mean. Take that back.”

She couldn’t help it, she laughed until her eyes watered. By the look on his face, he didn’t see the humor in it. “Oh my God. You should see your face. You look like someone just ran over your bike or peed in your Cheerios.” She shook her head, still laughing. “Don’t you want a wife and kids someday?” The thought of Ruger not passing on those smoldering good looks was a crying shame. She bet he would make beautiful babies.

“Hell no.” No hesitation and oddly final. “I happen to like my life just the way it is.”

“That’s a shame. You’d really be fine being old and lonely? You know you won’t be young forever.” Her hands braced, she leaned on the bar, enjoying messing with Ruger’s head. She supposed she should leave him alone. The more she teased him, the more pissed he seemed to get.

Deciding to put her in the hot seat, he leaned forward so their faces were inches apart, his finger brushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “You want to be the one woman to try and tame the beast? You up to the challenge?”

“Um, no.” She choked and her heart rate kicked up at the idea. She wished he’d lean back, putting more space between them. He always flustered her when he got this close to her. She knew he was flirting and didn’t mean anything by it. She’d seen him do the same exact thing to numerous women before her. “Sorry, but it’ll take a better woman than me to tame a man like you.”

Ruger didn’t say anything for a bit, just looked at her like he was trying to figure out a puzzle or maybe a way to hex her. “You don’t think you could change me?”

“Not even a little bit.” She waved at her boss working the other end of the bar trying to get her attention. “You’ve got to want to change.” She caught the towel Conner threw her way, signaling it was time for her to move along and serve some other people. “Hey, it’s good seeing you, Ruger. I gotta get back to work. Say hi to everyone for me.”

She watched Ruger out of the corner of her eye while she was getting someone else a drink as he picked up the tray of drafts and barreled through the crowd with absolutely no finesse. With the amount of beer sloshing over the tops, she doubted the glasses would be half full by the time he made it back to his table. Back to where slutty Candy was waiting for him. She didn’t know why it bothered her so much. It really bothered her that it bothered her. She mentally shook her head, trying to clear her mind of all things Ruger.

Conner, the owner of Corner Pocket and one of her best friends, met her halfway down the bar. “That guy giving you trouble?”

“Ruger?” She looked up from opening a long neck. “No. Not at all. He’s just a friend.”

“Well, I know his type. If he gives you any trouble, let me know.”

Josie knew Conner meant it. He took being her boss and friend very seriously. No one would hurt her, emotionally or physically, and not feel his wrath. “Seriously, everything’s cool,” she added, when he continued to hover around her. “Now let me get back to work.” Conner harrumphed and shot a disgusted look in the direction Ruger wandered off to, before turning away and heading back to his end of the bar. He really didn’t need to worry. Ruger would never look her way twice when he had so many willing women throwing themselves at him.

It wasn’t long until she and Conner were back in their rhythm, working side by side. She liked staying busy because it made the night go quicker. From time to time, though, there would be a slight lull in orders and she’d find herself glancing toward Ruger’s table. Every time she did, she regretted it. Candy was taking turns sitting in his lap and then Shooter’s, sucking face with them. This time, however, the three of them were gone and Trojan was alone at the table with some dark-haired woman. The trio either left, which she didn’t see them leaving without Trojan, or they’d found someplace to run off to so they could get busy.

“Hey, we’re out of tequila,” Conner shouted from the other end of the bar, bringing her attention back to what she should be doing. “Okay. I’ll go get some out of the back if you think you can handle things up here for a minute.”

“Sure. Make it quick.”

She saluted and spun on her heel, heading down the hall in the direction of the store room. She used her key and turned the knob. Before she could flip the light switch on and step inside, she heard voices coming from out back. Moving that direction, she found the back door slightly ajar, a brick wedged between the door and the frame, keeping it from closing all the way. Who would have done that? The closer she got to the cracked door, the more she could hear voices coming from outside. A woman and a man’s voice. Then another man’s voice. They all sounded familiar. Her heart beating wildly in her chest, she eased the door open and came to an abrupt halt.

“Come on, Ruger, hurry up. I won’t last much longer.” Shooter stood with his jeans below his ass, thrusting his dick in and out of Candy’s mouth, her nails digging into each firm globe.

“Shut up. I’m almost there. Gimme a second.” Ruger was also standing with his jeans below his well-toned ass, thrusting his dick, well, in Candy’s other end. One hand on the woman’s hip, he snaked the other around her front, between her legs. Josie felt a blush crawl from her neck to her face. Whatever he was doing seemed to be working. Candy pulled back from Shooter and started to scream in ecstasy.

“Shut her up, man.”

Shooter had his hand tangled in Candy’s hair, forcing her mouth to take his cock once more, effectively silencing her screams. A few more thrusts and Shooter was growling out his own release, his head thrown back, eyes closed. Even though she’d been a stripper for a little while and had been a regular at the Minions clubhouse and seen this kind of thing all the time, she was still kind of innocent regarding sex compared to these three people.

Ruger gripped Candy by both hips now that she’d found her release and proceeded to hammer her hard until she saw him bite his bottom lip and throw back his head, moaning in satisfaction. After his hips gradually grew still, he pulled out, disposed of the condom by tossing it off to the side and shoved his still semi-hard cock back in his pants. Shooter helped Candy to a standing position, holding her until she had her legs locked beneath her before he shoved his cock back in his jeans. He turned in Josie’s direction and winked. Had he known she’d been watching all along? She gasped in surprise, embarrassed at having been caught watching the three of them have sex. Ruger turned toward the door at the noise she’d made. Oh, good Lord. She spun on her heel, knocking the brick to the ground outside and closed the door. She could hear both the men laughing as she all but ran away.

Her face was so hot, it actually hurt. It felt like a sunburn. What had possessed her to stand there and watch the three of them have sex? Why didn’t she just turn around as soon as she saw who was out there and what they were doing? Why was she so embarrassed? She’d seen Ruger and Shooter having sex before, so why was this time any different? Oh, God. How would she ever face any of them again?



The longer Ruger sat at the table thinking about Josie and what she said about being old and lonely and not having anyone to take care of him in his golden years, the madder he got. Who was she to judge his life? There wasn’t a damn thing wrong with the way he was living his life. He was happy with his life. Extremely happy. He tossed back what little remained of his beer, took Candy’s hand and shared a look with Shooter. “Back in a minute,” he tossed over his shoulder to Trojan.

He was enjoying his mindless bout of sex with Candy and Shooter when he heard the back door to the bar open. In his peripheral vision he could see it was Josie standing in the doorway like a deer caught in the headlights. She looked like she was torn between running away screaming or standing there and watching. Apparently, standing there and watching won out.

He wasn’t sure why she was so shocked to find him and Shooter fucking Candy. She’d seen them double team more than one woman during her time at the clubhouse. She’d seen everybody at one time or another having sex while she was there. That’s what they did. That’s what they enjoyed. Shooter shot him a look to see if he had caught sight of Josie. He nodded his head, he was aware she was standing there. Didn’t matter. He wasn’t going to stop fucking Candy until they’d all found their happy place. If she wanted to stay and watch, all right by him.

“Come on, Ruger, hurry up. I won’t last much longer.” Shooter’s voice was strained, sounding like he was on the verge of coming. They both knew from past experience, the woman could suck cock like nobody’s business.

“Shut up. I’m almost there,” he grunted. “Gimme a second.” Ruger was thrusting into Candy’s greedy little pussy, close to coming. He could feel her milking his cock and knew he needed to finish this. With one hand on her hip and the other between her legs, he applied enough pressure to her clit to set her off screaming.

“Shut her up, man,” Ruger growled and continued to pound into Candy.

Shooter tangled his hand in Candy’s hair, forcing her mouth to take his cock deep, silencing her screams. A few more thrusts and he threw his head back, growling as he came. He was panting hard, trying to catch his breath, while he supported Candy by her shoulders so Ruger could finish.

Gripping Candy by both hips, Ruger hammered her pussy hard until he let go, succumbing to his own release. He threw back his head and bit his lip, moaning in satisfaction. His orgasm was explosive, he was wondering how he was still standing. His hips gradually slowed, then stilled. He pulled out, dealt with the condom by tossing it in a nearby trashcan and shoved his still semi-hard cock back in his pants. Shooter helped Candy to a standing position, holding onto her until she could stand on her own.

Shooter turned and sent a cocky wink and a smile Josie’s way, causing her to get flustered. She turned tail and ran back inside, the door slamming behind her. He couldn’t help it, he threw his head back and started laughing. Shooter’s laughter soon joined his. It cracked him up that she was once a stripper and had spent time at the Minions clubhouse, yet she was somewhat prudish about sex. He’d love to teach her a thing or two about cutting loose and having fun. He bet she’d never orgasmed so hard that she nearly passed out. He bet she never had sex in public or been in a threesome either. Scratching his chin, he wondered. Could he really corrupt her? Should he try?

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