Jackson met Calliope when she moved into the house across the street from his parents. He’d thought she was the prettiest thing he’d ever seen, until he found out she was sixteen years old—cue the sound of screeching tires. He immediately put her in the friends only column and that’s where he continued to keep her for four more years.
One night she catches him home alone. He’d been drinking or he’d never had let things go as far as they did. In a weak moment, he takes her to bed, only to wake up the next morning telling her it never should have happened and it was a mistake, despite the fact she was now twenty years old. Immediately, he sees he’s broken her heart, but he couldn’t help it. There was eight years between then and he just couldn’t get over that fact.
Thanks to his unkind words and actions, Calliope gives up and moves to Boulder. At first, he thought it was for the best. It would be good for her to date guys closer to her own age. Then he gets a phone call saying she’s been in an accident and is in the hospital. He rushes to her side and quickly sees how his hang-ups have affected her.
Realizing he could have lost her forever, he decides he doesn’t want to live his life without her any longer. He’s going to claim her as his, even if he has to fight Calliope herself. He only hopes that the one thing he’s been keeping from her doesn’t push her away forever.
Totally awesome.
I loved this book. It had all the drama and club business you could want.
Great Read!
I discovered Shay a couple of months ago and fell in love with her stories. Jackson has a second chance given to him with Caliope after an accident. There's plenty of action with lots of sexy times!
“Jackson! You fucker! I can’t prove it, but you’re cheating!”
Jackson tossed his shot of tequila back and almost choked when Trick had him laughing. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and pointed at Trick, his mouth curving into a smile. “Don’t blame me because your poker game sucks and only gets worse the more you drink.”
Trick shot his friend the finger and smiled, knowing full well Jackson spoke the truth.
He shook his head wondering why the man continued to play poker with the rest of them when all he did was lose his money. Jackson had tried to teach Trick how to play, but his lessons never stuck. Trick couldn’t bluff for anything and the more he drank, the less he tended to keep his cards to himself, usually flashing them to just about everyone. Get a woman on his lap and he might as well turn his wallet over because what was left of his concentration was gone. His mind turned completely to fucking the woman until she was screaming his name.
“Trick. We’ve told you, man. You don’t have to play. You can still sit at the table and shoot the shit.” Dagger laughed, tossing in his chips. He was the Sons of Redemption VP and he was feeling lucky tonight. He should, he’d won nearly every hand since they started playing.
Because Trick was such a shitty poker player, the brothers only allowed themselves to take a certain amount of money from him. When whoever won the pot pulled the winnings toward themselves, they would split the money into two piles, their actual winnings and what Trick lost. In the morning when he sobered up, he’d find the money he lost already back in his wallet. They all knew he couldn’t afford to lose too much because his ex-old lady would ream him a new ass if she didn’t get her child support on time. Trick might appear to be an unapologetic partier, but the man always did right by his kids. There wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for his three-year-old little girl, Reagan, and eight-year-old son, Keegan.
The other thing about Trick’s drinking, other than he lost money like water through a sieve, was he could go from happy-go-lucky to ready to kick someone’s ass in less time than it took to say his name.
Race, the Sons of Redemption president, reached out and pulled the pot toward himself and immediately broke the winnings into two piles. It was second nature for everyone to do it and nobody minded it in the least. Brothers looked out for each other. Not that the brothers hadn’t been known to settle an argument with each other using their fists from time to time. As a general rule, though, they liked to kick other people’s asses the most.
“Here you go, Jackson.” Turning his head, he smiled up at Lynnette and wrapped his arm around her slim waist as she stood next to him offering a fresh beer. She was a cute little red head with a great ass and a perky personality. She’d started out as a hang-around, but quickly found she loved the lifestyle and soon became one of the club’s favorite sweet butts.
“Thanks, darlin’. ’Preciate it.” He gave her ass a firm squeeze and laughed when Trick pulled her down on his lap. Yep. Trick’s game was gone. He was out and they wouldn’t be throwing any cards his way for the rest of the night. He took a deep pull from his bottle before he decided now was as good as time as any to take a piss. “Back in a minute.”
Jackson worked his way through the crowd, heading for his room. Looking around as he went, he could see the place was crowded for a Thursday night. All the brothers were here, as well as the usual sweet butts and then, there were an unusual number of looky-loos hanging around tonight. It happened sometimes, people, usually women, looking for a walk on the wild side by brushing shoulders with the Sons of Redemption. They would show up hoping to latch onto one of the brothers for a hot and nasty fuck. It kept things interesting and ensured the brothers always had a wide variety of pussy hanging around.
He bumped into a short brunette woman who looked drunk off her ass. She was smiling and her makeup was smeared under her eyes. He watched as she jiggled her tits to get them situated in her dress the way she wanted them. Looking behind her, he saw Jed coming out of his room securing his belt. He smiled wide at Jackson, obviously having had a good time with the woman. Jackson stopped him with a hand on his arm as his friend started past him. “Make sure she gets a cab home.”
“Yep. Just heading that way now. Already called a cab. Gonna grab her friend and walk them out to the gate.”
The Sons didn’t mind hang-arounds coming in and partying with them, but when they couldn’t figure out on their own when they’d had too much to drink, the brothers always made sure they got home. No way were they going to chance having the law on them if someone drove home drunk and ended up getting killed or killing someone else. They didn’t want to be blamed for their drunken state and end up in a lawsuit or have the law snooping around their clubhouse. Although they might be branching off into a new legitimate form of business, they still had a few ventures that were a whole lot less than legal.
Jackson entered his room and headed straight to his bathroom. He flipped the light switch and stepped up to his toilet. He braced one hand on the wall and sighed with relief. “Ahhhh.” He couldn’t believe how much better he felt after emptying his bladder. Once he was finished, he flushed the toilet, shut off the light and headed back out to the main room.
He was standing at the mouth of the hall when something out of the corner of his eye caught his attention. Over by the bar stood a group of four women he’d never seen before and immediately knew they were hang-arounds, local women, out looking for a good time. He wondered if any of them were married and hoping to spice up her sex life because good old Gary, or whatever his name was, had gotten too damn vanilla in the bedroom.
Skimming over them again, his body tensed like it did every time he spotted a black-haired woman. He stood not so patiently waiting to get a look at her face. From the back, at this distance, she could pass for Calliope, he supposed. The way the light played off the color, he could see a blue-like sheen dance across the sultry curls. He held his breath until she turned and he could see her eyes were brown, not the unusual turquoise he’d grown to love. His breath left in a rush as he shook his head, wondering when he’d stop looking for her in every crowd. And why did he think she’d show up at the clubhouse, after all this time, out of the blue? That was about as likely to happen as he was to shoot rainbows out of his ass.
“Hey, buddy, what’s got you so tense?” Tuck clapped his hand on Jackson’s shoulder, turning to see what caught his eye. “Oh, I see.”
It was no secret that he checked out every black-haired woman he laid eyes on to see if she was his long lost Calliope. He probably shouldn’t call her his Calliope since he didn’t really have a claim to her. Not that he didn’t want to have a claim, it was just by the time he figured out she was old enough to pursue, and could handle his club life, she’d taken off on him.
From the time she was sixteen years old, she’d been getting under his skin. It didn’t matter that he was twenty-four at the time. He’d have been a complete eunuch not to notice the natural girl-next-door vibe she had going on. He knew as she got older, she was going to be one of those women that had no clue just how desirable she was. It was something most men were hard pressed to stay away from. It was like catnip to men like him. He was sure it was because he had an overwhelming desire to dirty them up. He’d had his fair share of that kind of woman over the years, but Calliope was different. Even if she was twenty years old when he’d first met her, he’d still feel the need to steer clear of her. She was the kind of girl a guy hung on to and never let go and Jackson wasn’t ready for that at the time. Too many things to do and women to fuck and all that. Plus, and he’d never admit it out loud, she kind scared the bejesus out of him.
He’d been so good at pushing her away all these years, it had become second nature. By the time he figured out he was ready to pursue her, she’d moved away. It left him with a complete loss as to what to do next, if anything. Should he give her time and try again? Leave her alone and let her enjoy her life?
The one time he went to Boulder to try to talk her into coming home, he’d found her standing outside her apartment building. She’d been wrapped in some guys arms, smiling up at him. As he watched, the man threw her over his shoulder and entered her apartment. He’d taken too long to get his head out of his ass. Pissed at himself, he’d gotten back on his bike and headed back to Redemption.
“Come on. Let’s get another beer.” Jackson took off to their table, knowing Tuck was close behind him.
“What the fuck took so long?” Dagger asked.
“Jackson saw another black-haired beauty at the bar.” Tuck filled everyone in.
Sometimes his brothers gossiped like a bunch of busy-body old women. They’d been watching him for years as he pushed her away and held her at a distance. They also knew the struggle he’d dealt with concerning their ages. His dad tossed a look his way, no doubt wondering if he was good. He’d watched Jackson battle his feelings for years just like all the other brothers had. His dad, though, was the only one that knew about his trip to Boulder and how badly it had hurt to see her with that man. From what his mom told him, Calliope was now living in some guy’s house. He wasn’t sure if it was the same guy or another one. That was one of the downsides of his mom and Calliope’s mom being such good friends; he sometimes found out things he’d rather not know. He’d told them both, he didn’t want to know any details of Calliope’s life, and for the most part, except for the occasional slip, they abided by his wishes.
“Hey, Jackson,” Tuck smiled at him from across the table. “You in?”
Mentally shaking his head to clear the memories, he focused on what was in front of him. “Yeah, deal me in.”
Race, the Sons of Redemption president, shuffled the deck and dealt them out to everyone but Trick, who didn’t even notice considering he was busy getting his dick sucked off by Lynnette. Everyone checked their hand and placed their bets.
“Fuck yeah! Just like that.” Trick slapped his hand on the table, causing the guys to grab for their wobbling beers before they tipped over and ruined their cards. His head tipped back and his hand found it’s way to Lynnette’s hair, pushing her down on his cock as he thrust up. He did this four more times and shouted, “God damn!” as he came down her throat.
Lynnette pulled back, licking him clean, then swiped at the corners of her mouth with a red-tipped finger to get anything she might’ve missed. Smiling like the cat that ate the canary, she stood and offered her hand to Trick. He took her hand and got to his feet. He shoved his dick in his pants and slung an arm around her shoulders, heading off toward his room where things would resume.
“Umph.” Jackson was caught unaware as Cami, another sweet butt that liked to hang around the clubhouse, plopped her sweet little ass in his lap. He settled one hand at her hip and tipped his bottle up with the other. He nodded for her to pick up his cards so he could see them. He whispered in her ear what to throw away and how much to bet. She asked for three. He looked at his new cards and shook his head. More shitty cards. “I’m out.” He told her to toss them down on the table.
While everyone around him was having a good time, talking smack and laughing at jokes, Jackson’s mind drifted, wondering what Calliope was doing right now and if she ever thought about him.
Fuck. Did he grow a vagina and he hadn’t realized it yet?
Cami wiggling in his lap got his attention. “If you don’t sit still, I’m going to have to take you back to my room and fuck you.”
He knew what he said was like waving a red flag at a bull. Cami would take it as a challenge to get him so worked up, he’d have no choice but to do exactly what he threatened.
She bit her lip, the hungry look in her eyes telling him she was more than ready to find out what he had in mind. “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah.” He pulled her down and kissed her deep, his tongue swiftly slipping inside and tangling with hers. He pulled back and announced that he was done with cards for the night and was going to be busy with Cami. He lifted her off his lap, then took her hand and pulled her along behind him. Once they were inside his room, he backed her up against the door and slammed his mouth back down on hers.
“Hope you’re up for a long night.” He liked the look of anticipation on her face as her eyes lit up. Stepping back, he helped her out of her dress, not surprised that she was naked underneath. “On your knees.”
She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and did as she was told. Her hands went straight to his fly, releasing the button and pulling down the zipper, all while keeping her gaze locked on his. She’d blown him before and knew what to expect when she freed his engorged cock, but every single time, she smiled like she was opening a present on Christmas morning. He’d be lying if he didn’t admit that her reaction was good for his or any man’s ego.
He took his cut off and tossed it to the chair a few feet away. Her small smooth hands felt hot on his skin as she slowly ran her fingers along his thighs to base of his cock, then to the tip. Reaching behind his neck, he grabbed a hold of his t-shirt and pulled it up and over his head, tossing it in the same direction as his cut. As much as he liked the feel of her soft touch, he needed to feel her warm mouth wrapping around him. He fisted her hair and got her attention. “Suck it. Now.”
Cami’s slow sexy smile told him he was in for a hell of a blowjob. She was the kind of woman who liked control to be taken away from her. She liked being told what to do. Looking up the length of his body, she licked her lips right before she took the head of his dick in her mouth. He was half expecting her to tease him and take her time, working and tormenting the head for a while before she took it further. Not tonight. She must have felt his need for an aggressive, orgasm-wringing fuck because she took him all the way down her throat right off the bat.
“Fuck me, Cami. You’re so damn good at that.” He felt his stomach muscles clench as she swallowed around his cock. Fuck. If she kept this up, he’d be coming in her mouth in no time. She hummed her gratitude at his praise and picked up the pace.
“God damn, woman. You’re going to make me come fast if you keep that up.” Her eyes told him that was exactly what she wanted him to do. Well, she couldn’t say he didn’t warn her. He clenched her hair tighter in his fist and started pumping his hips to meet her down stroke, his breathing accelerating. It was his turn to bite his bottom lip. Shit. His brows drew together, his legs tensed and he let her swallow his cock down her throat again where he emptied his load with such force, he worried that he’d hurt himself or her. She pulled back slowly, licking him clean as she went. Her pink tongue slipped out and caught the last of his cum at the corners of her mouth.
“You naughty, naughty girl. You think you’re in charge tonight?” He helped her to her feet. He told her to lose the heels she’d yet to take off and climb up to the middle of the bed. He shucked his jeans that he wore commando style down his legs and toed off his boots. “You ready for a hard fucking?”
Cami giggled, the light in her eyes dancing. “Yes, Jackson. I’m ready for a hard fucking.”
He had to admit Cami and Lynnette were his favorite sweet butts because they were always up for anything and didn’t try to get all clingy like some of them tended to do. She knew her place in the grand scheme of things and was okay with it. She wasn’t looking for happily ever after. She just wanted fuck me for the night, which worked out great for him because he had no plans of ever settling down. If he couldn’t have Calliope, he didn’t want anyone else.
Taking his place between Cami’s spread legs, he could easily see how excited she was already. He tore open the condom and rolled it on. Scooting closer, he took himself in hand and rubbed his dick through her wetness before lining himself up and sinking slowly into her heat. God, was their anything finer than the feel of a tight pussy taking his cock? If there was, he didn’t know what it would be.
He started off with a couple of slow strokes to get her used to him, then picked up his pace. Supporting his weight on his arms, he leaned down and kissed Cami, his tongue moving in time with his thrusts until he had to change positions or risk coming too soon. He leaned back on his heels and grabbed her by the waist, pulling her toward his cock as he thrust forward. Hammering into her, he could already feel his balls tightening up. He was getting close to blowing again. “Touch yourself. Help me out, darlin’, ’cause your tight pussy has got me close to coming again.”
Cami slid her small hand across her stomach and down until she found that little bundle of nerves guaranteed to get her there. She gasped at her first touch, her hips rolling up.
“That’s it. Work it, girl.” He could feel her pussy begin to milk his cock and prayed she got there fast.
“Oh, God, Jackson. I’m going…” Cami never finished what she was about to say. He could feel her legs shaking at his sides right before she came apart in his arms. Her eyes slammed shut, clenching them tight as she screamed his name and rode out her orgasm. “Ahhhh, Jackson!”
“Fuck yeah.” That’s all he was waiting for. Letting go of his control, he threw his head back and groaned long and loud with his orgasm. He waited until her pussy milked him dry before dropping down on top of her. He was careful not to crush her under his weight while he caught his breath. Once he could breathe again, he rolled to the side and left the bed to dispose of the condom. He climbed back into bed next to Cami and pulled her into his side. He’d give her a little bit of time before he demanded more out of her.
They would go on to fuck two more times before they both collapsed side-by-side in the bed. He wasn’t sure, but Cami may have passed out after that last one even before he was finished. He got up to get rid of the condom and thought he really needed to get a small trashcan to set next the bed. Exhausted, he lay down beside her and closed his eyes, sleep taking him immediately. In fact, he slept like the dead until the sound of someone pounding on his bedroom door the next morning woke him up.
He slowly came awake, turning to check the time on the bedside clock. “Fuck me. Seven o’clock?”
“Time to get up, J man! Rise and shine!”
Jackson grunted at Jed’s chipper attitude. What the hell? Oh yeah, they had a run to do today. Fuck. Looked like he was getting up whether he wanted to or not. He reached over and gently shook Cami. “Hey, babe. Time to get up. I gotta leave.”
Cami groaned and pulled the pillow off her face. “What time is it?”
“A little after seven.”
“A little after seven?!” She shot up in bed, threw the covers off, and left the bed so fast she almost gave him whiplash. He barely caught a glimpse of her running for the bathroom. He was just swinging his legs to the floor when he heard the toilet flush and Cami exclaim. “Crap! I’m going to be late for work!”
He followed her into the bathroom at a little slower pace and found her looking at herself in the mirror, a look of abject horror crossing her face. Her makeup was smudged pretty badly under her eyes and it wasn’t coming off easily. Thinking to help her move along a little faster, he pulled a wash cloth out of the closet and handed it to her. Proud of himself for being so thoughtful, he made his way to the toilet to take a much needed piss. Leaning down, he raised the seat and took care of business. While he was standing there, he couldn’t understand why she was getting all bent out of shape about the time. “Aren’t you the boss? Does it matter if you’re late? I mean, who’s going to fire you?” He finished up and flushed the toilet. If he remembered correctly, she was the manager of a bank here in town. Or maybe a loan manager? Hell, he couldn’t remember.
He leaned into the shower and turned the water on, waiting for it to heat up. He followed Cami back out to the bedroom, leaning in the door frame while watching her scramble around looking for her clothes. He couldn’t stop the grin that spread across his face when she bent over to find her shoes and he got flashed by her naked pussy. If she wasn’t in such a hurry and he didn’t have somewhere else to be, he’d definitely be dragging her back to bed for another round of fucking.
“Yes, but I have a meeting with a client with a very big bank account wanting to invest it. If I get the account, it could be huge for my company. If I get this one, maybe some of his richie rich friends will let me invest their money for them, too.”
That’s right. She was a financial advisor. She’d just opened up her own company not too long ago. Jackson mentally patted himself on the back for remembering on his own.
Cami buckled her last shoe, hopped up and ran over to kiss Jackson on the cheek. He didn’t have time to react because she was shooting out the door. Holy shit. He wasn’t sure how she didn’t break a leg running in those high heels.
“J? Where the fuck are you? Move it or I’m coming in there to kick your ass!”
Fuck. That was Race. Sounded like the prez was in a bad mood. Double fuck.
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