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Surviving Mayhem
Tuck & Roll
Book 4
Tuck & Roll

A night out on the town with his brothers was just what he needed. Constantly dodging his ex’s calls and text messages was wearing on Tuck. He didn’t care what she had to say. He’d ended things with her and nothing she said would change his mind.

As his eyes scan the dance floor, they land on a beautiful strawberry blonde woman in a hot little black dress and heels. The way she dances and moves to the music is inspiring. She spins around and he’s completely caught off guard to discover that it’s Kylie, his friend the computer whiz. Where had she been hiding this version of herself? In his drunken state all he can think is that he has to have her.

What’s a girl supposed to do when the man she’s been half in love with since the very first kiss he gave her at fourteen says he has to have you? You go with him obviously. The night was everything Kylie could have ever hoped for—hot, steamy, earth moving—until he calls her another woman’s name and passes out.

Devastated, she tries to leave but realizes she has no car. She’s all set to call for a cab, but one of his club brothers stumbles across her and offers to give her a ride home.

Several weeks go by with no word from Tuck. Then the club president calls and offers her a job, but she’s worried about seeing Tuck again. Not only does she see him at the Sons of Redemption clubhouse, she sees him with another woman. Before she can seal the deal on her new job and get out of there, she runs into Tuck and by the time she’s done talking to him, she realizes he has no memory of their night together. Unbelievable.

  • sex
  • violence

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"A great biker romance

From the beginning to the end, this book captured my attention, and I couldn't put it down. I love a good biker romance with twist and turns. What I like about Kylie's character was that she wasn't only vulnerable, but she was also smart, kicked a**, wasn't a doormat, as many other women you see in other biker romances. The end was very surprising and a perfect cherry on top."

Alice, goodreads reviewer

Chapter 1


“Hey, Tuck. It’s me. I know it’s been a while, but I really need to talk to you. Call me.” Tuck pulled his phone from his ear and frowned as he looked at the screen and deleted the message. “Bitch.”

“What’s that?” Tulsa’s slow southern accent shouted over the music.

“Fucking Taylor.” He shoved his phone back in his pocket and followed Tulsa and Darren to a recently vacated high-top table off to the side, against the wall in the shadows. Perfect. He planned on drinking until all thoughts of Taylor were burned from his memory. Fucking biggest mistake of his life letting her back in, even if it was just for sex.

They’d dated most of their senior year of high school and for the life of him, he couldn’t pinpoint when exactly she’d claimed his balls as her own. Looking back, he could at least blame his feelings, his infatuation, whatever you wanted to call it, on getting pussy on the regular. By the time they graduated, he thought he was in love and was looking toward the future. The problem with that was he might see Taylor in his future, but she didn’t see him in hers.

They’d spent the summer together and when it was time to head off to college, Taylor broke up with him and left for southern California. He hadn’t heard a word out of her until about a year ago when she’d come back to town. He’d run into her at a bar downtown. They’d both been drunk and they’d hooked up “for old times’ sake,” she’d said. The next morning he woke with Taylor in his bed.

From there, they kind of picked up where they left off. Then she did what she always did and she started making demands that he didn’t spend so much time with the club. That was a big hell no.

Thinking back, he realized that during the time she’d been away, he’d grown up enough to figure out he hadn’t really been in love with Taylor and that he’d been hella lucky he hadn’t married her.

His brothers had watched him with her and they’d all been less than thrilled with how she treated him. She might be a long-legged sexy blonde with a killer smile who could have easily been a model, but on the inside she was mean and vindictive. She also thought he should be at her beck and call every second of the day. Despite the great sex and phenomenal head she gave, he couldn’t put up with her shit anymore.

Fed up with his grumpy ass, it had been Tulsa and Darren’s idea to wrangle his ass into coming to Big Shots with them tonight. His brothers were complaining about him being insufferable and a complete jackass to be around. As long as he was here, he planned on getting drunk and getting laid. He needed a distraction from all of Taylor’s new drama. Why after eight months did she decide they needed to talk? The woman was relentless. He’d have shut his phone off if it wasn’t for the need to keep it on in case club business should arise.

A perky redheaded waitress bounced her way to their table to take their drink order. She wore snug jeans and a tight t-shirt that stretched across a nice set of tits and tested the integrity of the material. Tulsa flashed his patented country boy smile and told her they wanted a bottle of tequila and three long necks. While they waited, Tuck kicked back and checked out the crowd.

“The bitch resortin’ to voicemails now that she can’t get you to reply to a text?” Tulsa asked.

“Yes.” There was really nothing else to add to that. Everyone knew she was a coldhearted, manipulating bitch. Hell, he even knew it, but for some stupid reason, he’d let nostalgia get the best of him. He thought, “What the hell? Let’s give this a try. Let’s see if what I felt for her back in high school was truly real.” Idiot.

The waitress was back with their drinks and glasses. She set everything on the table, making sure to point her ample cleavage toward Tulsa in case he’d missed them earlier. Tulsa smiled and winked at the woman before pouring each of them a shot.

“Don’t let that bitch bring you down. We’re here to have a good time. I mean, there’s sexy women all over the place. Check out that hot little number.” Tulsa picked up his shot and tossed it back. Picking up his beer, he tipped it toward the dance floor where everyone was dancing.

He focused on the group of women Tulsa pointed out dancing together at the edge of the dance floor. They all seemed to be having a really good time, smiling and laughing, hands in the air as they swung their hips to the music. One of the women was dressed in tight dark-washed jeans and a bright yellow top that revealed a sun-kissed shoulder. Her honey blonde hair reminded him of someone. She dropped her arms and turned more his direction, giving him a better look at her face. Huh. It was Kylie Jo’s sister, Beth. Damn. She looked good for a woman who’d gotten married and had two kids. She’d always been pretty in high school, but she looked even better now. Married life appeared to agree with her.

He and Beth had graduated high school together and despite living next door to each other and having Kylie Jo in common, they’d never hung out or been close friends. She had her circle of friends and he’d had his. The extent of their interactions included saying “hi” in passing or waving across the lawn. The one time they did talk about her sister, she’d warned him not to toy with her. She said it had to be obvious Kylie had a crush on him and if he strung her along and broke her heart, Beth would make sure he paid for it. He’d always admired how protective she was of her sister.

Checking out the other women around her, he recognized them as part of Beth’s high school posse. A couple of them hadn’t faired as well in the looks department as Beth. He took a drink and checked out the last woman in their group. She wasn’t a part of Beth’s original crew and wondered if maybe she was a coworker.

From what he could see, the woman was sexy as hell. She had her strawberry blonde hair pulled up with a clip at the back of her head. She was wearing a short, form-fitting black dress that fit her like a second skin. She had her back to him as her hips swayed back and forth. The clingy material hugged her sweet ass perfectly. In fact, his hands were itching from the desire to have it in his hands. The strappy black sandals she wore made her legs appear a lot longer than they were. He squinted, trying to get a better look at something on her thigh. Was it a birthmark? A tattoo? He felt like he’d seen it somewhere before. Had he fucked the woman?

She finally spun around, moving closer to Beth and bumped her hip with her own. She threw her head back and laughed when Beth returned the favor, causing her to work fast to keep from stumbling into someone in the crowd. “What the fuck?” He choked on his drink and had to wipe beer from his chin with the back of his hand. Kylie Jo was the sexy as hell woman in the clingy black dress?

“Hey, isn’t that the computer nerd that helped us with Lindsey?” Tulsa elbowed him in the side.

“Yeah.” He should have known it was Kylie Jo when he saw the birthmark. The better part of his summer between junior and senior year, he’d fantasized about licking that mark. It had drawn his attention over the years as they were growing up, but for some reason after she turned fourteen and was starting high school it really messed with his head. The little one. The big one told him he shouldn’t go there.

“Damn. Didn’t know she was hidin’ all that under that baggie hoodie and sweats.”

Tuck turned and frowned at Tulsa. “No. Just no. Do not go there.”

Tulsa threw his head back and laughed while Darren smiled wide, chuckling to himself. Coming from the quiet one of the brothers, that was a lot.

“Are you sayin’ you’re interested in her?” Tulsa pushed.

“No. Not like that.”

“Then you wouldn’t mind if I tried my luck with her?” Tulsa kept his eyes glued to Kylie, enjoying watching her dance a little too much.

“No. Leave her alone.” Why was Tuck so adamant that his friends stay away from Kylie Jo? It’s not like he had anything going on with her. When she helped the club out not too long ago was the first time in years he’d seen her long enough to talk to her. He’d seen her in passing when he’d been home visiting his family and she’d been visiting hers. He couldn’t help but wonder why he hadn’t reached out to her sooner. They used to be good friends once upon a time. “She’s not that kind of woman.”

“What? She’s not the kind of woman that would enjoy a good fuckin’?” Tulsa exchanged a shit-eating grin with Darren.

Tuck growled and started to rise out of his chair, clearly on the verge of kicking his brother’s ass. And for what? Darren pulled on his arm from his other side so that he retook his seat with a plop. “Simmer down. He’s yankin’ your chain.”

“Yeah. I’m just fuckin’ with ya.” Tulsa tipped back his beer, hiding his satisfied smile behind his bottle.

The more he watched her dance, the more he drank. Did she not realize her seductive moves were drawing attention from every prick in the bar? Several had taken more than a passing notice and a few seemed to be debating on whether or not to join her group. So far no one had had the balls to make a play. What if they did? Was he going to do anything about it? Would she be pissed if he did? He poured himself another shot and tossed it back.

Darren had been eye-fucking a pretty little brunette woman sitting at a table with her girls across the dance floor for the last hour. They’d been staring at each other and Tuck wondered when one of them would cave and go to the other. One side of Darren’s lips kicked up as he crooked his finger toward the woman. She returned the smirk before turning to her friends and said something, ending with her pointing toward Darren. She unfolded her long, bare legs and started making her way around the dance floor toward Darren.

“You fucker. How do you do that?” Tulsa shook his head. “Mr. Tall, Dark and Brooding crooks his finger and chicks can’t drop their panties fast enough.”

Tulsa was right. Darren wasn’t a big talker to them or anyone, yet he was able to get women with little to no effort. He was roughly six foot three inches, built like a linebacker, had black hair and a full, trimmed beard. His shear size alone had people rethinking starting shit with him. The women, however, couldn’t get enough of him.

Tuck shook his head and finished his beer. He waved the empty toward their waitress and held up three fingers. She nodded back and moved toward the bar.

While they waited for their drinks, the woman Darren had crooked his finger at arrived at their table. Tuck let his eyes roam up and down her body, thinking to himself that she was pretty and he would fuck her if he hadn’t been so distracted by a certain blonde computer nerd who was currently shaking her ass like no one was watching.

“Hi. I’m Janice.”

Darren reached out and grabbed her hand, gently pulling her down on his lap. He leaned in and whispered something in her ear that had her eyes heating and her nipples hardening. He imagined he was telling her all the ways he wanted to fuck her and she was totally on board with his plans. Yep. They both stood, Darren taking her hand in his.


Tuck gave him a chin lift and smiled behind his beer. One of these days, Darren was going to find a woman who didn’t jump to his commands and he hoped he was there when it happened.

The band finished their song and announced they were taking a break. The dance floor cleared as people made their way to their tables, the bar or the bathroom. It looked like Kylie was headed his direction and would have to pass his table to get to the bathroom. He waited until she was closer before getting her attention.

“Kylie Jo!”

Her head pivoted his direction and he couldn’t help but laugh. Her brows dipped in a deep frown until her eyes landed on him. She rolled her eyes and shook her head. She stopped the woman in front of her, one of Beth’s friends, said something to her then tipped her head his direction. The woman smiled and nodded, then continued down the hall.

“Garrett. Should’ve know it was you.”

“Kylie Jo.” She was the only person he knew outside his family that called him by his given name. He stood from his seat as she moved around the table. He pulled her into a hug and kissed her cheek. The feel of her generous tits against his chest had his dick perking up and taking notice.

“Garrett?” Tulsa asked, his eyes bouncing between Tuck and Kylie.

“Yeah. Garrett Tucker. Everyone calls me Tuck accept Kylie Jo.”

“And he’s the only one ever to call me Kylie Jo. He knows full well that I prefer just Kylie.” She fanned her hand in front of her face, her cheeks flushed from dancing. A light sheen of sweat shone on her chest and face. “Is that your beer?” She nodded at Tuck’s drink.

“Yeah. You wanna drink?”

“Yes! I’m dying of thirst.” She happily took the beer he offered and guzzled the rest. “Sorry. I’ll buy you another one.”

“No need. Gotta ‘nother coming.” About that time the red-haired waitress returned to the table with three beers. Now that Darren had left he offered his to Kylie.

“Oh, no, I don’t want to take your beer.”

“I ordered it for a friend but he left. You want it, it’s yours.” He held it out toward her.

“Okay. Sounds great. Thanks.” Kylie’s fingers innocently grazed his as he handed her the bottle, sending a zing straight to his dick. What the hell was that?

“Why don’t you have a seat?” He offered her his seat and took Darren’s empty one. He waited until she was situated, then asked, “What are you doing out on a Tuesday night?”

“It’s Beth’s birthday and she wanted to go dancing.” She absently brushed her hair back over her shoulder.

“Her husband doesn’t mind her going out on a weeknight?” He sat back in his chair, affording him a better view of her shapely legs and heels.

“No. He’s really cool. He actually has big plans for the weekend. They’re going to get away for a few days. She doesn’t know yet. He just told her not to make plans for the weekend.”

“Hi. I’m Tulsa. My friend here forgets his manners a lot of the time.” Tulsa turned on his good old boy charm.

“Hi. I’m Kylie.” She accepted the hand he offered in greeting.

“Anyone ever tell you that when you’re not hidin’ behind those big glasses of yours, you’ve got the most stunning blue eyes?” Tulsa continued, much to Tuck’s annoyance. Kylie Jo’s eyes were a stunning glacial blue. Sometimes he swore they almost glowed in the dark. And what the fuck was Tulsa doing? He specifically told him not to go there.

Kylie Jo’s face flushed red. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome and I remember you from when you helped us out with Lindsey. Thanks, by the way. If we didn’t have your help, she would have been gone for sure.”

“Not a problem. Glad I could help.” Tuck watched, fascinated, as she tipped her bottle to her lips and the way her throat worked as she swallowed. Damn, he must be drunker than he thought if he was imagining his cock slipping down that same throat. He tried to subtly move around on his chair to find a position that allowed his semi-hard cock a little breathing room. From the way Tulsa was grinning, he hadn’t missed what he was doing.

Beth’s sister and her friends showed up at the table before anymore could be said. “Hey, Tuck.”

“Beth.” He nodded her way. “Happy birthday.”

“Thanks. Appreciate it.” She turned to Kylie. “You ready? I need to get home so Alan can get a few hours of sleep before he has to get up for work in the morning.”

“Oh. Yeah. Sure.” She started to stand. “Thanks for the beer, Garrett.”

He reached out and caught her hand. “Do you have to go? Can’t you hang around for a little while?”

The merest hint of uncertainty flicked across her face before her eyes narrowed and one side of her lips kicked up. “I’d like to but we all rode together.”

Did she think he was playing her? That was the farthest thing from his mind. He wanted to play with her. They were both grown adults now and he wanted nothing more than to watch her face as he made her come.

“I’ll take you home if you want to stay.” The way Kylie chewed on her bottom lip, debating on whether or not to take him up on his offer, made his mind go to places it really shouldn’t. “Haven’t seen you in a while. It’d be fun to catch up.” That explanation seemed to work for her.

“Beth. Go ahead. Garrett says he’ll give me a ride home.”

Her sister held his gaze for a moment. “Are you too drunk to drive her home?”

Tuck thought he might be offended that she had to ask such a thing. “If I was too drunk to drive, Beth, I sure as fuck wouldn’t be offering to give Kylie Jo a ride home.”

“Are you sure about this?” she asked her sister. It wasn’t lost on him that she wasn’t completely on board with the idea of Kylie leaving with him. She saw his cut and had heard the stories floating around out there about the drinking and women that went hand in hand with his club. Any big sister worth her salt would have reservations. Whether or not they shared a past was irrelevant.

“Yes.” She nodded her head and gave her a reassuring smile. “I’ll be fine.”

“Okay. Call me tomorrow.”

“Sure thing. Bye.” She hugged her sister. “Love ya and happy birthday.”

“Thanks. Love you, too.”

Tuck didn’t dare breathe until Kylie Jo settled back into her seat. What the fuck was that about? His reaction to her confused him. Most of the time, as they were growing up, he was giving her shit for being a nerd and treating her like a little sister. Then one year she’d gotten boobs overnight and he started looking at her differently. That had been a very confusing time for him then, too. But tonight, seeing her like this, all he could think about was fucking her.

“The last time I saw you, you were wearing a hoodie and sweats. Tonight,” he shook his head. He had no words. “Gotta say, I’ve never seen you like this.”

Her brows shot up. “Like this?”

“What he’s tryin’ to say is, girl, you are sexy as fuck in that dress. Who knew what you had hidden under all those clothes,” Tulsa butted in. While Tuck agreed with his friend’s assessment, he didn’t appreciate the leering way he was checking Kylie out.

A smile split her face as her cheeks blushed. “Thank you, Tulsa.”

“You’re welcome.” He snagged the back pocket of a woman who’d been flirting with him from two tables over since they’d gotten here, pulling her to a stop. It looked like he was tired of playing games. He whispered something in her ear that earned him a sultry grin. He slapped her on the ass, told her to go grab her purse, and turned back to their table. Tulsa wasn’t going home emptyhanded tonight, either.

They exchanged a look that said he was done with Big Shots for the night. It was time to get to the fuckin’ as he liked to put it. “Be seein’ ya.” He got to his feet and took the woman by the hand and led her toward the front door. Tuck chuckled and shook his head at his friend’s retreating back.

The band returned from their break and settled into a slow song. For some reason, Tuck had a sudden urge to dance with Kylie. “Dance with me.” It was more of a command than a question.

“What?” Her eyes widened in surprise.

“Dance with me.” The way she was looking at him said she thought maybe he was joking. “Come on.” He stood from his seat and offered her his hand. His brow arched when she hesitated, daring her to dance. Reluctantly, she took it and followed behind him to the dance floor. He pulled her toward the middle before he turned and pulled her body into his. His hands settled on her hips as hers settled on his shoulders. He couldn’t help but grin at her confusion. In all honesty, he felt the same damn way. He didn’t know what had possessed him to ask, but feeling her body moving against his, he was mighty glad he did.

He worked one of his legs between hers so that she was all but riding it. Her head tipped back, her eyes searching his. One hand cupped the side of her face as his thumb brushed lightly over her bottom lip. “Fuck me, you’re beautiful.”

Her breath hitched and her body seemed to melt into his. His heart tripped a beat at the feel of her tongue slipping out and touching the pad of his thumb. “You’re playing with fire, Kylie Jo.”

She did it again, this time drawing it into her mouth and sucking on it.

“I’m warning you.” Pulling her lower half into his, there was no way she didn’t feel what she was doing to him. His cock was hard and straining at the back of his zipper. He had mixed feelings as to whether he should see where this could lead or not. There had always been a chemistry between himself and Kylie that had left him out of sorts. Tonight was no different.

He’d been drawn to her as far back as when he was seventeen, almost eighteen, and she was fourteen. They’d been lying in the grass in her back yard, staring at the stars, talking about whatever came to mind. Talking turned to teasing as they each tried to get a reaction out of the other.

He’d asked if she’d ever been kissed. She’d said no. The smart thing to do would have been to end the game right then and go home. Instead, he’d rolled to his side, slowly lowering his mouth toward hers. He gave her plenty of time to push him away, call him a dumbass jerk or smack him upside the head. She didn’t.

He lightly touched his lips to hers in an innocent peck. When she didn’t immediately reject his move, he leaned down and did it again, this time lightly touching his tongue to the seam of her lips. She opened for him and followed his lead. He cupped the side of her face and deepened the kiss, their tongues tangling. She moaned and rolled more fully toward him. Her innocent sound only made his hard on worse.

Pulling away a little, he said, “Damn. For someone whose never been kissed, you’re really fucking good at it.”

The out of focus look of her eyes reminded him she had no experience and he needed to shut down what they were doing. Really fast. Kylie Jo wasn’t some girl he could have sex with and walk away from. He’d known that way before her sister had warned him off.

“I gotta go.” As much as he didn’t want to, he gently extricated himself from Kylie. Her flushed cheeks and look of confusion almost had him going back for more.

“What? You’ve gotta go?” she asked as they both sat up.

“Yeah. It’s late. We both have school in the morning.”

“Oh. Yeah. Right.” She dropped her gaze to hide her blush of embarrassment.

They both found their feet and said goodnight. Before he turned to leave, he kissed her cheek. “Night, Kylie Jo.”

He’d never kissed her again after that night. He knew he shouldn’t go there with her tonight either, but for the life of him he couldn’t control himself where she was concerned. He’d been curious about her back then and he wasn’t going to deny himself now. He had to know if her kiss was really as good as he remembered.

Cupping the side of her face, he leaned down to touch his lips to hers. Before he took it any further, he pulled back to check her reaction. He inwardly groaned at what he saw. Her openly heated gaze told him she was right there with him. That’s all he needed to know. This time when he took her mouth in a kiss, he poured everything into it the way he’d fantasized about doing over the years. The feel of her soft, plump lips against his own made everything else around them fade away. It was just the two of them. No one else existed.

This kiss was as he feared. It wasn’t as good as the one they shared as teenagers. It was way fucking better. He’d had experience at seventeen, even fucked a few girls, but she’d been an innocent, inexperienced fourteen-year-old girl. Nothing could come of the chemistry between them. He was graduating and she still had three more years.

The hand on her hip pulled her farther up his leg so that she had no choice but to ride it. She pulled her mouth away, gasping for breath, her hands slipping from his shoulders and grasping the shirt under his cut. He dropped his forehead to hers, getting more and more worked up at the feel of her shallow warm breaths feathering across his lips. One side of his mouth kicked up as he watched her eyes dilate and lose focus just like the first time he kissed her. Dropping both his hands to her hips, he encouraged her movements back and forth on his leg until she was grinding her clit against him. Her hands tightened in the material of his t-shirt as her breathing increased and she became more desperate to find what he was working her toward. Not once did he stop dancing.

“Garrett?” The breathless way she spoke his name damn near had him coming in his jeans.

“Ride it out, baby. Come on my leg.” The continued movement provided enough friction to keep building her impending orgasm. Should he be forcing her to get off in the middle of a crowded dance floor? Probably not. Was he going to stop? Fuck no.

“I can’t.” She tried to pull back, but he wouldn’t allow it.

“Yes, you can. Come on my leg, then we’ll leave here and I’ll fuck you until you can’t walk.”

“Holy shit.” Her hands tightened at his sides, digging in as her release grew closer. Her eyes slammed shut and she stiffened in his arms. He recognized the moment she was going to come apart and shoved her face in his neck, listening to her groan as she found her release. Hands down, that had to be one of the hottest experiences of his life.

She pulled her head out of his neck and stiffened. Her eyes widened, having just realized what they’d been doing and where. Their time here was done. “Let’s go.” He took her by her hand, not giving her a chance to second guess what just happened. He was fucking hornier than he’d ever been in his life and he needed to get her to the clubhouse because it was closer than his own house, and underneath him as quickly as possible.





What the hell just happened? Did she just have an orgasm in the middle of a packed dance floor with people all around her? Had she lost her ever loving mind?

This was all so surreal. She’d had fantasies of Garrett finally taking notice of her. To see her as more than the neighbor that grew up next door to him. To be more than the girl that followed him around like a lost puppy until he graduated and moved out to prospect for the Sons of Redemption MC. To be more than a computer nerd he could tease in front of his biker friends.

Why tonight? What was so different that he’d finally taken notice of her? She almost felt like she was standing outside her body watching as an observer as he held his helmet out toward her. She hesitated, taking a moment to try and wrap her head around what was happening and what would be happening when they got to where they were going. “Where are we going?”

“We need a bed. Clubhouse is closest.”

“Oh.” She should probably call a stop to going to the clubhouse. It was obvious she was in way over her head. Maybe she should call an Uber? But if she did that, after he had given her an orgasm, he’d think she was the same awkward teenager who’d crushed on him in high school and she’d never be in this position again. Her inner voice was telling her this could be her only chance to show him she was a grown woman with grown woman desires. Fuck it. She was going for it.

“Chicken?” he taunted, obviously seeing her indecision written all over her face.

“Shut up. No.” She took the helmet from him and put it on. He watched her trying to figure out the strap until she got flustered. He chuckled and slapped her hands out of the way and fixed for her.

The ride to the clubhouse was quick. Not quick enough to keep her from wondering if all the brothers would be there and if they would see her coming in with Garrett. What would they think of her? That she was just another biker groupie or whatever they called them? Would they think she was some easy chick willing to put out for anyone? What a joke that would be considering she hadn’t had sex in two years.

He parked his bike and offered his hand to help her off then accepted the helmet from her and hung it on a handlebar. His hand reached out, settling at the side of her neck. He pulled her closer and his other hand settled on her hip. His mouth slammed onto hers without warning. Kylie soon discovered his kiss was hungry and seeking and she could feel him hard against her stomach. Holy Mary, Mother of God, the man could kiss. Not only did he steal her breath away, he stole her ability to think as well. All she could do was feel.

“Come on.” The sound of his husky voice snapped her out of her kiss-induced stupor. Grabbing her hand, he tugged her along behind him. He pulled her through the door, down the length of the bar and left her at the end. Behind the bar, he grabbed a bottle of booze, then returned to her, took her hand and continued dragging her toward the back.

Entering his room, he turned on the lamp setting on his dresser next to the door, casting most of the room in shadows. Her heart was beating like crazy and she didn’t know if it was from nerves or arousal.

Garrett tipped the bottle back and took several drinks. How could the movement of his throat as he swallowed be so sexy? What was wrong with her? If something as simple as that had her growing wet, she was almost afraid to see what else he could do and, most importantly, prayed she would survive it. He placed the bottle on the dresser and licked his lips, his hungry gaze pinning her in place.

With a sense of urgency, he spun her around and pushed her back up against the door, pinning both of her hands above her head in one of his. He dropped his head and captured her mouth in a kiss no less dangerous than the one at his bike before they came inside. She could feel his erection against her again, making her feel the need to speed things along before he changed his mind and remembered they were only supposed to be friends.

“Watching you shake your ass out on the dance floor and watching you come on my leg has got me seconds from coming in my pants. Need to fuck you. If you’re not into it, you need tell me now,” he growled against her mouth.

She shivered at the sound of his raspy voice and thought she might melt into a puddle at his feet. “I’m into it,” she whispered back.

“Thank fuck.”

He reached beneath her dress and yanked her panties off. Like, literally tore them right off her. She gasped in surprise. No one had ever done that before and she had to admit it was hot. His hand found it’s way between her legs and growled his approval at what he discovered. “God damn. You’re so fucking wet for me, baby.”

He captured her mouth in another deep, delicious kiss at the same time his hand cupped her sex. She didn’t have time to feel embarrassed at how much wetter she got when he inserted his finger. There was no time for that. Her damn knees grew weak and she was finding it more and more difficult to take a full breath as her chest rose and fell with excitement. He broke the kiss and dropped his head to her neck. He growled along her neck and shoulder, nipping and kissing a path that caused goosebumps to break out all along that side. Her breath caught as he pulled back and added a second finger.

“Pull me out of my jeans,” he rumbled.

Kylie didn’t need to be told twice. As soon as he released her hands, she quickly got his belt unbuckled and his jeans opened. She slipped her hand inside and underneath his underwear. She gripped his erection, giving it a firm squeeze and felt it pulse in her hand.

“Take me out,” he commanded.

She shoved his pants along with his underwear below his butt, allowing his cock to spring free. Picking her up with both hands, he told her to wrap her legs around him and guide him in. Desperate to feel him inside her, she reached between them and lined him up to her entrance.

“Give me your eyes.” He clenched his teeth and waited until he had her focus. Satisfied, he flexed his hips and buried himself deep with a loud, long groan.

Her eyes rounded and she gasped at the feel of his cock plunging inside her in one swift move. “Holy shit!” she whispered.

“Yeah. That’s it. Your pussy’s so tight and I’m so wound up from watching you tonight and feeling you come apart in my arms, it’s not going to take long for me to come.”

He dropped his face into her neck and set about pounding her into the door. She was sure anyone walking down the hall or in a room next to Garrett’s would hear them having sex. Right now, it fell too damn good to care. She’d add it to her list of things to worry about tomorrow.

“You smell so fucking good. Like flowers and sunshine.”

“Gardenias.” Her eyes closed and her head fell back on the door. “Oh, God, Garrett. I’m close. Feels so good.”

“Baby, you need to come.” He opened his mouth on her neck and bit down hard enough to cause a small jolt of pain. Spiraling out of control and unable to stop it, she screamed his name and continued to push into his thrusts as he tunneled harder and deeper.

She felt him growl her name against her neck as he came, his body jerking until he eased to a stop. “Holy hell, woman. That felt fucking amazing.”

He pulled his face out of her neck and slowly lowered her so her feet touched the floor. Thank God he kept one arm slung around her or she may have found herself sliding to the floor. Her legs felt like wet noodles. He picked up the bottle of whisky from his dresser and took a couple of deep pulls before offering it to her. She accepted it and took a drink, coughing as it worked it’s way down.

“Come on. Round two is in the bed.” He steered her toward the bed with a hand at her back. After that wild ride, she wasn’t afraid to admit, she might not make it there on her own.

“Round two?”

“Yeah. You didn’t think I was done with you already, did you?” His cocky grin caused her breath to get stuck in her chest. There it was. The smile she’d fallen for as a teenager and never thought to have pointed her way.

“Take off your clothes and climb in.” He pulled the covers back on his bed and shed his clothes and boots. He waited for her to slip off her dress and shoes and move to the middle before he settled next to her. They sat with their backs against pillows propped against the headboard completely naked. She felt awkward and exposed sitting next to Garrett in nothing but her birthday suit. He, on the other hand, didn’t appear to suffer the same problem. He took another drink and offered it to her again. She shook her head. Once was enough. She preferred her hard liquor mixed with soda on ice.

Garrett leaned over to pull something from his nightstand drawer. The way his back muscles rippled as he stretched and the quick view of his very firm ass as he half rolled to his side had her all but drooling. Finding what he was looking for, he leaned back against the headboard and lit a joint. He took a hit, then offered it to her.

She shook her head, “No, thanks.”

Her heart skipped a beat as he turned his wolfish grin her direction. The man was shameless. He knew she liked what she saw and didn’t feel the need to cover himself. She, on the other hand, had caved and pulled the sheet loosely to her chest, feeling self-conscious and worried that she might not measure up to all the other women he’d been with.

She sat with her back against the headboard, shoulder to shoulder with Garrett. Thinking this was more likely than not the only time she’d be in his bed, she gave herself permission to let her eyes roam all over his body. She started at his well arched feet, over his crossed ankles and up his muscular legs. When she got to his thighs her eyes stayed glued to his semi-hard dick. The longer she stared the harder it got until a small drop of liquid appeared at the tip. She licked her lips, wanting nothing more than to see what he tasted like.

His deep, sexy chuckle drew her eyes back up to his face. “All right, baby. Climb on. Time for round two.” He set aside his mostly smoked joint and helped her straddle his lap. He held his cock still and watched her slowly slide down until she had taken him all. “Mmm. Feels so good, Garrett.”

There were no words to describe how good his cock felt deep inside her. He filled her to the point of almost being too much. Her hands settled on his ripped abdominal muscles as he settled his on her hips. Curling forward, he took one of her nipples into his mouth, flicking it with his tongue. Her back arched, pushing her boobs closer. It felt like there was a direct line from her nipples to her pussy.

“My girl likes her nipples played with. Felt your pussy clench around my cock.” He grinned against her boob. He pushed them both together, easily slipping from one nipple to the other. He hummed his approval against her skin, again causing her pussy to clench down on him.

Kylie had never felt anything so good in her life. She squirmed under his assault, unable to sit still. She undulated her hips back and forth, his cock feeling unbelievably deep. She made sure her clit hit the base with each movement of her hips.

“Feels so good, Garrett.”

“Ride me, baby.” She did as he commanded and quickly found herself on the verge of coming. “Are you going to come for me?”


“Do it. I wanna watch you come apart on my cock.”

She dropped her head back and shouted as she did just that. God. Wave after wave of pure bliss. “Ahhh.” Nothing felt better than this.

She squealed as Garrett flipped them so she was on her back and he was on top. He set about giving it to her harder, like it was his mission in life to pull every orgasm he could get from her.

She didn’t know it was possible, but she felt a second orgasm building right behind the first one. He maneuvered a hand between them, finding her clit without error. She gasped and shouted his name, coming harder than the first time. “Garrett!”

She stared into his mocha eyes, watching the way he clenched his teeth and his body tightened all over as his release overtook him. Kylie didn’t think she’d ever seen anything sexier in her life. She reached up and smoothed a lock of hair that had fallen off his brow. Garrett grinned and fell to his side, then rolled to his back. He wrapped one arm around her and pulled her into his side, the other he tucked behind his head. She tipped her head back and found his eyes were already closed and his breathing was evening out. Was he asleep?

She didn’t know how long she lay there listening to his heartbeat before she finally worked up the courage to touch his dick. Her brows raised and her head tipped to the side as she took in his impressive size. She felt like a teenager getting her first close up look at a penis. Had she known he was packing this way back when, she may have had problems keeping her eyes on his face. She slapped a hand over her mouth to keep from giggling out loud and possibly waking him up. Her fun would be over and he’d probably think she was some kind of pervert. Checking one more time that his eyes were still closed, she lightly skimmed her finger along his length. Feeling bolder, she leaned forward and ran the tip of her tongue from base to tip, making sure to swipe up the little amount of cum leaking out.

He hitched one leg to the side, allowing her better access. “Gimme a minute, Taylor.”

“What?” Her heart stuttered in her chest.

“I need a minute.”

Did he just call her by another woman’s name? She found his eyes still closed and had to assume he was at least half asleep. It still didn’t make what he said hurt any less.

He reached out to where she’d been lying down, patting around as if looking for her. “Lie down, Tay. I’ll take care of you in a minute.”

Okay. That was it. She didn’t care if he was half asleep or not. He’d just been inside her and he was calling out for another woman. There was no way she could stay and wait to see how he explained this in the morning. Nothing he said could fix the hurt he so carelessly caused. The sudden urge to cry hit her and she wasn’t sure if it was because of anger or pain. She didn’t care. She just had to get out of there. She couldn’t stay one more second.

She slipped out of bed and got dressed, minus her torn panties. She grabbed her purse and quietly let herself out of his room. Most of the lights were out, only a few were on in the hall to light the way to the bar area. She was digging through her purse, looking for her phone so she could call an Uber when she ran into something hard. She would have fallen backward on her ass if a large bearded man hadn’t caught her.

He bent his head to get a better look at her. “You okay, doll?” He made sure she was steady on her heels before letting go and taking a step back.

“What?” He’d asked her something, but her brain was so muddled she couldn’t think straight.

“Are you okay?” He hooked his thumbs in his belt loops and waited for her answer.

“Oh, yeah. Sure. I was just looking for my phone. Sorry I ran into you.” She started to step around him, intent on getting out of there before Garrett discovered her gone. A touch to her arm stopped her before she could escape.

“You come back with Tuck?”

“Um, yeah.” She pushed her hair behind her ear, his gaze dropping to her neck. He frowned for a moment and she wondered what he was thinking.

“Where are you going? Didn’t see your car out there.”

“I was going to call an Uber so I could go home.” She started digging for her phone again, thinking she definitely needed to downsize her purse. Getting more frustrated by the second, she could feel the urge to cry creeping up on her and she was determined not to cry until she got home. She growled when she still couldn’t find her phone. Seriously? Where was the stupid thing?

“Tuck’s not taking you?” His frown deepened.

“No. He’s passed out. I thought I’d let him sleep.” She blinked her eyes several times to hold the tears back and took a deep breath. What the hell was wrong with her? She never cried. Well, almost never, but still. This was ridiculous. Why couldn’t she find her Goddamn phone? The urgency to get as far from here as possible grew the longer it took her to call for a ride. And was it really too much to ask that she escape with a small amount of dignity?

“Come on, Kylie. I’ll take you home.” Her head popped up at his directive. He didn’t give her time to protest. He took her by the elbow and steered her outside to his motorcycle.

“Wait. I don’t know your name. And how do you know mine?”

“I’m Darren and I remember you from when you helped out with Trick’s old lady.”

“Oh.” Well this just got more embarrassing.

He placed his helmet on her head and adjusted the strap. She’d say she needed to learn how to do that for herself, but the point was moot given she’d never be seeing any of these people again.

Darren got on first and offered his hand so she could swing a leg over the seat. She was completely mortified at the thought of leaking hers and Garrett’s combined juices on his seat. Without panties and the way she was forced to sit on the motorcycle, there was no way around it. For fuck’s sake. She mentally slapped her forehead as it dawned on her that they hadn’t used a condom either time they’d had sex tonight. FML.

Darren interrupted her inner monologue to get her address. Familiar with the area, he started up his motorcycle and they were off.

On the ride to her house, she replayed the last couple of hours over in her head. Never in a million years did she think Garrett would ever make her feel so cheap and small. She’d naively thought the way he was treating her tonight, he was finally seeing her as more than just his nerdy next door neighbor. That maybe he could actually be interested in her as a woman. Then he’d messed that all up and shattered the illusion by calling her by another woman’s name.

Darren pulled into the driveway of her rental property and shut off his bike. The immediate silence was almost deafening. He gave her a hand to assist her getting off. Removing his helmet, she handed back to him. “Thanks for the ride.”

“Not a problem.” He looked like he wanted to say something to her, but couldn’t decide if he should or not. That was her cue to get in her house.

Before she could turn to leave, he chose that moment to speak up. “Did something happen with Tuck? Did he take things too far?”

“No! No. He didn’t do anything I didn’t want to do.” She absently swiped at a stray tear before it could travel all the way down her cheek. Her action didn’t go unnoticed.

“Then what’s going on?” He seemed genuinely concerned which surprised her. From everything she’d heard about bikers they weren’t touchy-feely kind of men. Not that he was being touchy-feely. She was actually touched that he cared enough to ask.

Her face flushed hot and another tear slipped free. She was so embarrassed, she couldn’t look at him. She looked everywhere but at him.

The feel of his hand under her chin, tipping her face his direction stunned her. So did his concern. “Kylie?”

“This is so embarrassing.” She covered her eyes and wouldn’t look at him. He pulled her hand away and waited.

“Is this something you’re going to discuss with your friends back at the club or with Garrett? I mean Tuck?”

“No, babe. Whatever you have to say stays between just the two of us. You have my word.” For some reason she believed him.

Taking a deep breath, she rushed to explain. “He was asleep and I was trying to wake him up by, you know, waking up something else.” He grinned at her description. “And he said ‘gimme a minute, Taylor.’”

There was a long pause which was quickly followed by a “Well, fuck.” He rubbed his mouth with his hand. “I’m sorry, Kylie. If it helps, he’s been over that bitch for a while. She’s been trying to reach out to him lately and it’s been messing with his head.”

“Oh.” It didn’t help. If it was the same Taylor Garrett dated in high school, it didn’t help at all.

“Still hurts, doesn’t it?”

“Yeah.” She looked past his shoulder then back. “I don’t know why it should bother me so much. It’s not like we’re dating or anything. I mean, we haven’t even seen each other but that once at your club when your friend’s wife went missing. Before that, it had been months and the rare times I do run into him, he either teases me about being a nerd or treats me like a little sister. Should have known something was up when he asked me to dance.” She mumbled the last part to herself, took a deep breath and released it. “Please don’t say anything to him or his friends. I’ll eventually get over it. It’s really no big deal.”

Darren didn’t look like he believed her. “I gave you my word I wouldn’t say anything to him or my brothers and I won’t.”

“Thanks, Darren.”

“Not a problem. Now, get in your house before I leave. Wanna make sure you make it inside okay.”

She surprised them both by kissing him on the cheek, turning on her heel and running for her front door. She waved goodbye before closing and locking the door.

She’d not been completely honest with Darren. She did know why it hurt so much for Garrett or Tuck or whatever he went by now. Kylie had been half in love with the idiot since that first kiss. Every boy or man she ever dated after that was always compared to Garrett and always came up lacking. She’d always had this fantasy about him and now it was shattered.

As she got ready for bed, she supposed she should stop referring to him as Garrett and start thinking of him as Tuck. He obviously wasn’t the same person he was back then. Garrett was a boy she’d had a crush on. Tuck was a man who was out of her league. The best thing she could do would be to forget tonight ever happened. If her sister asked what happened after she left, Kylie would simply tell her…nothing.

As she snuggled into her bed, she made a vow to herself. The next time her inner voice tried to tell her to go for it, she was going to tell the bitch to shut the hell up.

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